Quality assurance
Quality assurance is integrated into all processes and sub-processes. In order to ensure continuous quality improvement, ABFHC has the Quality and Evaluation Committee The purpose is to ensure a quick response to development requirements, providing a systematic approach to quality assurance and continuous quality improvement. The focus on development and continuous quality improvement at ABFHC are an important contribution towards the implementation of ABFHC’s strategic vision: quality assurance and improvement in all the basic and supporting activities of the Faculty. All the stakeholders participating in ABFHC’s activities are part of the quality assurance process. Importantly, ABFHC obtained the international standard ISO 9001:2008 and the Slovenian national standard Quality for Future Education (QFE) in 2012, when the Faculty became the first educational institution in Slovenia offering health care programs with the certificate for setting standards in the quality management system. This standards are successfully regulary updated (now ISO 9001:2015 and QFE-030).
Annual self-evaluations and the resulting evaluation reports provide ABFHC with a framework for creating its own definition of quality, offer valuable help in assessing the goals achieved and strategic plans, and assist in designing an action plan for future work. The aim of the annual evaluation report is for ABFHC to ensure that its intended vision, goals and strategy are being met. Data is collected with anonymous questionnaires, by monitoring and evaluating the previously set variables covering different areas of Faculty’s activities. Quality improvement is guaranteed with regular internal and external evaluations of the standards mentioned previously, and with self-evaluation procedures.
Quality assurance measures are implemented through the ABFHC organs and bodies. Results of questionnaires and monitoring indicators which cover different areas of Faculty’s activities are discussed at the sessions of the Quality and Evaluation Committee and the ABFHC Senate. The Quality and Evaluation Committee proposes systematic corrective measures, and department representatives propose corrective measures for different subjects/course units or for didactic approaches. Continuous evaluation of teaching activities is conducted at ABFHC departments, where the quality of the pedagogic processes is assessed, also in terms of deviations.
ABFHC students are integrated into the internal quality assurance through evaluation procedures, the results of which are featured in the evaluation report. Once a year, at the conclusion of both semesters, students assess their overall satisfaction with the quality of study program implementation.