Angela Boškin Faculty of Health Care (ABFHC) is part of and participates in various international associations:

  • ABFHC is a member of EMUNI University.
  • Since 2010 we are part of international association »The Honor Society of Nursing, Sigma Theta Tau International«.
  • In the year 2010 we have become a member of FINE.
  • ABFHC was part of IRIS consortium (at the beginning it was named as »Curriculum Meeting Points - Understanding the European Master and the American Doctor of Nursing Practice«). Five schools in this consortium (Trinity College Dublin, Ireland, Instituto Politécnico de Leiria, Portugal, Oslo and Akerhus University College of Applied Science, Norway, University of Malta, and Faculty of Health Care Jesenice) were also included in the organization of annual seminar called Works in Progress. ABFHC hosted and organized it in the year 2011. From May, 2012 till May, 2014 was Works in Progress organised as an Erasmus Intensive program for the master students and professors coming from the health, caring and nursing professions of partners institutions. 
  • Since 2011 we are a member of group that participates in the project named »EU-Project: »Creating a pilot network of nurse educators and regulators« (SANCO/1/2009).«
  • In May 2014 ABFHC has became a full member of ASPHER.  The Association of Schools of Public Health in the European Region (ASPHER) is the key independent European organisation dedicated to strengthening the role of public health by improving education and training of public health professionals for both practice and research. 
  • In 2017 ABFHC Research Councillor was elected as ICN board member.