Exchange program and other information for incoming students:
Student exchanges are organized through the Erasmus+ program.

Undergraduate study of Nursing and Physiotherapy:
International students at the first level of Nursing and  Physiotherapy (1st Bologna Cycle) will have the opportunity to be included in clinical exercises and practice. Individual programs can also be drawn up for foreign students. Students will be able to develop their clinical skills at recognized study bases. In addition, they will be able to participate in parts of the study process and in training and education programs taking place throughout the year. All exchange students at Angela Boškin Faculty of Health Care (ABFHC) receive their general and clinical practice files where all activities in which they participate are officially documented. Each student will be assigned a certain number of ECTS credits and will receive a confirmation and attendance letter. Exchange students will also receive full support from ABFHC international coordinator, professors and student tutors.

We offer clinical placement in the fields of: 

  • Nursing care of internistic patients, 
  • Surgical patient nursing care, 
  • Elderly nursing care, 
  • Oncology patient nursing care, 
  • Emergency nursing, 
  • Child and adolescent nursing care, 
  • Gynaecology and obstetrics nursing care, 
  • Community nursing care, 
  • Mental health nursing care.

  • Evaluation methods in physiotherapy
  • Physiotherapy in surgery, ortopedy
  • Manual therapy
  • Cardio-respiratory Physiotherapy
  • Neurophysiotherapy

Grading system at ABFHC:
ABFHC uses the following grading system: 

  • 10 (odlično) / A (excellent): 95,6% - 100% 
  • 9 (prav dobro) / B (very good): 84,3% - 95,5% 
  • 8 (prav dobro) / C (good): 70,8% - 84,2% 
  • 7 (dobro) / D (satisfactory): 59,6% - 70,7% 
  • 6 (zadostno) / E (sufficient): 55,0% - 59,5% 
  • 5 (nezadostno) / F (fail): 50,5– 54,9% 
  • 1-4 (nezadostno) / F (fail): Less than 50,5%

Faculty is using ECTS credit system. 1 ECTS is 25 -30 hours.

Postgraduate study: 3rd Bologna Cycle Health Care Sciences Doctoral Study
Students can enroll to ABFHC doctoral study. The health care sciences doctoral study provides advanced skills in the areas of basic, applied and developmental research and in addressing demanding scientific and professional challenges and trains the doctoral candidate for academic work in the field of medical treatment and cross-sector collaboration.


Our students are actively encouraged to achieve their study objectives and professional goals. Through the system of tutoring, we help them connect more closely with their studies, solve any issues connected with the studies, and tackle other, more general challenges. Our lecturers and assistants conduct introductory, subject-specific and individual tutoring, while student tutors (full-time and part-time senior students) are of great help to their younger colleagues at the start of their first academic year. Tutoring is regulated by the Tutoring System Regulations of the ABFHC.

ABFHC also provides a system of tutorship for foreign exchange students. This type of tutoring is offered by a group of lecturers and highly qualified experts who are responsible for overseeing international exchange. They include the Dean, the International Exchange Coordinator, the Vice-dean for Education, the Vice-dean for Research and Development, the Head of the Nursing Chair, the Coordinator for clinical training, the Coordinator of students and teachers tutors, and the ABFHC librarian.

Facilities and equipment:
Lecture halls, laboratories, and rooms for clinical exercises at Angela Boškin Faculty of Health Care are modern equipped and contribute to a friendly studying environment. The library and the computer infrastructure provide students with all the necessary informational and technical support. The campus itself is also suited for various free time activities of both teachers and students, and is located in the immediate vicinity of the main clinical learning centre - General Hospital Jesenice.  

Institutional International Coordinator:
ABFHC international coordinator is dr. Katja Pesjak. The international coordinator helps and advises you in all new and continuing exchanges of students and staff. When you come here to study or lecture, we will be here to provide you with support and help make your stay here both academically and socially fulfilling.

For further information please contact: 

Please see our
international brochure and