Nursing Care and Mental Health
Nursing Care
Contact hours – lectures:
Contact hours – seminar:
Contact hours – clinical exercises:
Contact hours – clinical practice:
Holder of subject:
Branko Bregar, Msc, Senior Lecturer
Year of study:
Nursing Care and Mental Health
Contact hours – lectures:
Contact hours – seminar:
Contact hours – clinical exercises:
Contact hours – clinical practice:
Holder of subject:
Branko Bregar, Msc, Senior Lecturer
Education providers:
- Branko Bregar, Msc, Senior Lecturer
- Dr Vesna Čuk, Senior Lecturer
Level of study:
First Bologna cycle professional education study program
Subject specific competences:
The student:
- becomes familiar with modern approaches in treatment of patients with mental disorders;
- learns about the elements of cognitive behavioural therapy and counselling methods for mental patients;
- established therapeutic communication and relationship with mental patients, either independently or under the mentor's supervision;
- is able to apply, integrate, and enforce theoretical knowledge in mental health nursing independently;
- is able to actively participate in the implementation of process work methods in the clinical setting through gaining experience at clinical practice;
- becomes familiar with patients' psychological, physical, social and spiritual needs and knows how to solve existing or potential problems independently or under the supervision of a clinical mentor;
- knows how to approach mental patients comprehensively, assess their condition and draw a nursing care plan based on process work methods, both independently and under the supervision of a clinical mentor;
- becomes familiar, under the guidance of a clinical mentor, with the elements of cognitive behavioural therapy and counselling techniques in working with patients, their families and their significant others;
- becomes integrated in a multidiscipline health care team in patient treatment with the assistance of a clinical mentor;
- acts responsibly and confidently in conducting clinical practice, making sure to respect the personal information of patients, employees and the organization;
- follows the principles outlined in Slovene nurses' code of ethics, develops a positive self-image and identity of a registered medical nurse, and always acts for the benefit of patients;
- is familiar with programs for maintaining mental health;
- is familiar with the legislation governing mental health issues;
- acquires the skills and techniques required for therapeutic communication;
- recognizes needs of patients with mental disorders and conditions;
- is familiar with principles of comprehensive patient treatment;
- learns individual and group methods for working with patients;
- knows how to work with patient’s family members and key care givers.
Mandatory and recommended references:
Mandatory references:
- Dale C, Thompson T, Woods P. Forensic mental health issuses and practice. Edinburg: Livingstone; 2001.
- Iz zgodovine za prihodnost. Razvoj psihiatrične zdravstvene nege v Sloveniji: 30 let strokovne sekcije. Ljubljana: Psihiatrična in nevrološka sekcija; 1999.
- Payne S, Walker J. Psihologija v zdravstveni negi. Ljubljana: Educy; 2002.
- Rungapadiachy DM. Medosebna komunikacija v zdravstvu. Teorija in praksa. Ljubljana: Educy; 2003.
- Stuart GW, Laraia MT. Principles an practice of Psychiatric Nursing. London, Phialdelphia: Elsevier Mosby; 2008.
- Tschudin V. Etika v zdravstveni negi. Razmerja skrbi. Ljubljana: Educy; 2004.
Varcarolis EM. Psychiatric Nursing clinical guide. Phialdelphia: WB Saunders company; 2005.
- Waugh A, Grant A. Ross and Wilson anatomy and physiology in health and illness. 10th ed. Edinburgh: Churchill Livingstone; 2006.
Recommended references:
Study obligations:
To be admitted into the clinical setting, the student must:
- present a valid medical certificate for conducting the work of a registered nurse;
- be vaccinated against hepatitis B;
- have a valid student insurance based on Articles 17 and 18 of the Health Care and Health Insurance Act for occupational injuries and diseases when participating in tasks and field work;
- have the required protective clothing, footwear, and special equipment.
Prerequisite for the exam:
- 30% attendance at lectures
Assessment methods:
- written examination (100%)