The process of nursing care and safe health care
Module: Nursing care
Contact hours – lectures: 50
Contact hours – seminar: 20
Contact hours – clinical exercises:  50
Contact hours – clinical practice:  
Holder of subject: Dr Saša Kadivec, Senior Lecturer
Year of study: First
Diagnostic–Therapeutic Program 

Contact hours – lectures: 25
Contact hours – seminar:  
Contact hours – clinical exercises:  
Contact hours – clinical practice:  
Holder of subject: Dr Saša Kadivec, Senior Lecturer
Education providers:
  • Dr Saša Kadivec, Senior Lecturer
  • Petra Svetina, Lecturer
Level of study: First Bologna cycle professional education study program
Semester: Winter
Language: Slovene/English
Subject-specific competences: The student:
  • knows how to approach a patient with internal disease;
  • is familiar with common symptoms and signs of internal disease;
  • is able to assess the severity of a disease and life-threatening conditions;
  • is able to perform basic physical examination of a patient;
  • knows all about vital signs and how to monitor them;
  • is familiar with basic diagnostic algorithms;
  • is able to assess patients’ history;
  • is familiar with post-transplant patient care;
  • acquires new knowledge and expands existing skills in diagnostic-therapeutic program, develops the necessary skills for practicing nursing care;
  • is able to use theoretical findings in practice, and be critical, independent, and innovative in their work;

Knowledge and understanding:
  • independent nursing management of a patient with internal disease and knowledge of disease-specific attributes for proper nursing;
  • knowledge of all common elements of history taking and examination;
  • knowledge of proper nursing approach according to a specific internal disease;
  • practical skills in assessing pain and general appearance of a patient;
  • common knowledge of basic internal medicine;
  • understanding the natural history of a disease and the corresponding health changes in a patient.
Mandatory references:
  • Kocjančič, A., Mravlje, F. & Štajer, D., 2005. Interna medicina. Ljubljana: Littera Picta.
  • Kocijančič, A., 2000. Klinična preiskava. Ljubljana: Littera Picta.
  • Ivanuša, A. & Železnik, D., 2008. Standardi aktivnosti zdravstvene nege. Maribor: Fakulteta za zdravstvene vede.
  • S. Pivač, S. Kalender Smajlović, A. Černoga, K. Skinder Savić, S. Hvalič Touzery, B. Skela Savič, M. Klančnik Gruden & I. Buček Hajdarević, eds. Izbrane intervencije zdravstvene nege - teoretične in praktične osnove za visokošolski študij zdravstvene nege: visokošolski učbenik za študijski program Zdravstvena nega. Jesenice: Visoka šola za zdravstveno nego.
Recommended references:
  • Robida, A., Yazbeck, A.M., Kociper, B., Mate, T. & Marušič, D., 2006. Nacionalne usmeritve za razvoj kakovosti v zdravstvu. Ljubljana: Ministrstvo za zdravje, pp. 46-53.
  • Kadivec, S., 2007. Ali potrebujemo v slovenskem prostoru ¨Case managerja¨ - študija primera. In:  Zdravstvena obravnava bolnika z obstruktivno boleznijo pljuč in alergijo, zbornik predavanj Golniškega simpozija, Bled, 3. - 4. oktober 2007. Golnik: Bolnišnica KOPA.
  • Kadivec, S., 2015. Partnersko vodenje bolnika s KOPB ali astmo. In: Modul: astma, KOPB, alergijski rinitis. Program za medicinske sestre v referenčnih ambulantah, Golnik, 16.-19. marec 2015. Golnik: Klinika Golnik.
  • Bratkovič, M., 2015. Zdravstvena vzgoja bolnika s KOPB. In: Modul: astma, KOPB, alergijski rinitis. Program za medicinske sestre v referenčnih ambulantah, Golnik, 16.-19. marec 2015. Golnik: Klinika Golnik.
Study obligations:
  • 50% obligatory attendance at lectures
Assessment methods:
  • written exam (100%)