Biochemistry, Biophysics and Pharmacology
Module: Basic Sciences
Contact hours – lectures: 50
Contact hours – seminar:  
Contact hours – clinical exercises: 20
Contact hours – clinical practice:  
Holder of subject: Dr Ivica Avberšek Lužnik, Assistant Professor
Year of study: First
Pharmacology, safe handling of drugs and prescription of medicines
Contact hours – lectures: 25
Contact hours – seminar:  
Contact hours – clinical exercises: 10
Contact hours – clinical practice:  
Holder of subject: Brigita Mavsar Najdenov, Lecturer
Education providers:
  • Brigita Mavsar Najdenov, Lecturer
Level of study: First Bologna cycle professional education study program
Semester: Winter
Language: Slovene/English
Subject-specific competences:
  • Recognition of drug action with respect to pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics;
  • Identifying the relationships between drug action, indications for use and the effectiveness of drug treatment monitoring;
  • Management of documentation and administrative requirements in the drug handling process (storage - conventional drugs / controlled medicines / cold chain medicines, prescribing, preparation and application of medicines);
  • Recognition of adverse drug reactions and reporting in the pharmacovigilance system;
  • Identifying potential interactions between medicines, medical devices and food;
  • Identifying factors that alter drug action (harmful habits, interactions, storage, preparation and administration of medicines);
  • Identifying contraindications for drugs and medical devices used;
  • Knowledge of the anatomical therapeutic chemical classification (ATC) of drugs;
  • Knowledge of the preparation, dosage, administration and effectiveness of drug treatment monitoring;
  • Identifying factors that alter drug action in individual patients;
  • Knowledge of the relevant preparation methods for drugs and medical devices for safe and effective drug administration;
  • Knowledge of the relevant requirements for safe and effective drug prescribing and administering (indications, authorization);
  • Knowledge of drug prescription and administration legislation.

Knowledge and understanding:
  • understanding the basic pharmacologic principles, understanding the effects of drugs on physiological and pathophysiological processes;
  • knowledge of the basic pharmacological groups of drugs and their mechanisms of action;
  • ability to deduce and recognize potential adverse effects, contraindications and precautions using knowledge of basic principles of drug action;
  • recognizing the factors which modify drug action in a particular patient;
  • knowledge of drug regulations in the field of storage, prescribing, administering and pharmacovigilance.
Mandatory references:
  • Kladnik Jenuš, B., 2006. Farmakologija: učbenik za študente visoke zdravstvene šole. Maribor: Visoka zdravstvena šola.
  • Čufar, A., 2009. Farmakologija: navodila za klinično prakso pri diagnostično terapevtskem programu: za študente študijskega programa prve stopnje Zdravstvena nega. Jesenice: Visoka šola za zdravstveno nego Jesenice. 
Recommended references:
  • Galbraith, A., Bullock, S., Manias, E., Richards, A. & Hunt, B., 1999. Fundamentals ofpharmacology, A text for nurses and health professionals. Singapore: Addison Wesley Longman Limited.
  • Clayton, B.D., Stock, Y.N. & Harron, R.D., 2004. Basic Pharmacology for nurses. 13th ed. Missouri: Mosby, Inc.
Study obligations:
  • 50% obligatory attendance at lectures
Assessment methods:
  • mid-term exams
  • written exam