Prevention of Healthcare-Associated Infections with Microbiology
Module: |
Nursing Care |
4 |
Contact hours – lectures: |
45 |
Contact hours – seminar: |
Contact hours – clinical exercises: |
15 |
Contact hours – clinical practice: |
Holder of subject: |
Dr Irena Grmek Košnik, Assistant Professor
Year of study: |
Prevention of Healthcare-Associated Infections with Microbiology
Contact hours – lectures: |
45 |
Contact hours – seminar: |
Contact hours – clinical exercises: |
15 |
Contact hours – clinical practice: |
Holder of subject: |
Dr Irena Grmek Košnik, Assistant Professor |
Education providers: |
- Dr Irena Grmek Košnik, Assistant Professor
- Dr Urška Dermota, Lecturer
- Helena Ribič, Senior Lecturer
- Zdenka Kramar, Lecturer
Level of study: |
First Bologna cycle professional education study program |
Semester: |
Winter |
Language: |
Subject-specific competences: |
The student:
- becomes familiar with the current approaches to infection control in hospitals,
- learns about nurses’ role in the prevention and control of nosocomial infections,
- gains understanding of the theory behind nursing interventions from the perspective of infection control,
- acquires the knowledge and skills on basic hygienic procedures applied in nursing care, in accordance with professional guidelines,
- becomes familiar with the organization of infection control in hospitals, with legislation governing this activity and inspection services,
- gains understanding of the risks for infection in hospitals, other healthcare institutions and the community (community nursing, home care),
- becomes familiar with the basic methods for gathering and assessing epidemiological data on nosocomial infections,
- learns about cleaning, decontamination, disinfection and sterilization.
Knowledge and understanding:
- comprehension of the basic characteristics of microbes,
- comprehension of the most important agents for infection and origin mechanisms according to the anatomic location,
- understanding the immune response to infections,
- knowledge (theoretical and practical) of infection diagnostics,
- the ability to correctly take and transport materials for microbiology,
- the knowledge to prevent, discover and control nosocomial infections,
- the ability to destroy microbes in the environment and the organism,
- awareness of the importance of properly using antibiotics/antimicrobial substances,
- sources of infection in hospitals, routes of transmission and preventive measures,
- basic principles of maintaining hygiene in health care and other public institutions,
- legal framework for hygiene monitoring in health care institutions,
- employee health: prevention of occupationally acquired infections,
- importance of hand washing and personal hygiene,
- standard isolation measures and special measures used in tuberculosis, hepatitis, and HIV infections,
- infection control measures and nursing standards,
- awareness of the risk for infection associated with invasive diagnostic, therapeutic and nursing interventions,
- cleaning, decontamination, disinfection and sterilization procedures,
- hygienic maintenance of materials and equipment,
- environmental and economic aspects of infection control.
Mandatory references: |
- Gubina, M. & Ihan, A., eds., 2002. Medicinska bakteriologija z imunologijo in mikologijo. Ljubljana: Medicinski razgledi.
- Logar, J., 1999. Parazitologija v medicini. Ljubljana: DZS.
- Koren, S., Avšič Županc, T., Drinovec, B., Marin, J. & Poljak, M., 2007. Splošna medicinska virologija. Ljubljana: Medicinski razgledi.
- Grmek Košnik, I. & Dermota, U., 2013. Praktikum vaj iz mikrobiologije s parazitologijo za študente Visoke šole za zdravstveno nego Jesenice. Jesenice: Visoka šola za zdravstveno nego Jesenice.
- Ribič, H. & Kramar, Z., v tisku. Preprečevanje okužb, povezanih z zdravstvom. Skripta za študente prvega letnika Fakultete za zdravstvo Jesenice.
- Gubina, M., Dolinšek, M. & Škerl, M., 2002. Bolnišnična higiena. Ljubljana: Medicinska fakulteta.
- Delovna skupina pri Ministrstvu za zdravje RS, 2003. Strokovne podlage za pripravo programa za obvladovanje in preprečevanje bolnišničnih okužb 2000 -2003. Ljubljana: Slovensko zdravniško društvo, Sekcija za klinično mikrobiologijo in hospitalne infekcije.
- Dragaš, A.Z. & Škerl, M., 2004. Higiena in obvladovanje okužb. Ljubljana: Založba ZRC SAZU.
- Dolinšek, M., Kramar, Z. & Bohinc, P., 2003. Vzdrževanje prostora, opreme in pripomočkov kot del izolacijske doktrine. In: D. Musič, ed. Aerogeno prenosljive nalezljive bolezni: zbornik predavanj. 2. strokovnega seminarja. Ljubljana, 9. junij 2003. Ljubljana: Slovensko društvo za bolnišnično higieno, pp. 34-40.
- Tomažič, J. & Sterle, F., 2014. Infekcijske bolezni. Ljubljana: Združenje za infektologijo, Slovensko zdravniško društvo.
Recommended references: |
- Vozelj, M., 2000. Temelji imunologije. Ljubljana: DZS.
- Gubina, M., Dolinšek, M. & Škerl, M., 1998. Bolnišnična higiena. Ljubljana: Univerza v Ljubljani, Medicinska fakulteta.
- Marolt-Gomišček, M., 1992. Antibiotiki in kemoterapevtiki v vsakdanji praksi. Ljubljana: Tangram.
- Kalenić, S., Mlinarić-Missoni, E., et al., 2001. Medicinska bakteriologija i mikologija. Zagreb: Merkur A.B.D.
- Murray, P.R., Baron, E.J., Phaller, M.A., Tenover, F.C. & Yolken, R.H., eds., 1999. Manual of clinical microbiology. 7th ed. Washington: ASM.
- Brooks, G.F., Butel, J.S. & Morse, S.A., 2001. Jawetz, Melnik, & Adelberg´s Medical Microbiology. New York: McGraw-Hill.
- Mims, C.A., Nash, A. & Stephen, J., 2001. Mims´ Pathogenesis of Infectious Disease. 5th ed. San Diego: Academic Press Inc.
- Wenzel, R.P., 1993. Prevention and control of nosocomial infections. Baltimore: Wiliams and Wilkins.
- Zborniki strokovnih seminarjev Slovenskega društva za bolnišnično higieno.
Study obligations: |
- 50% obligatory attendance at lectures
Assessment methods: |
- written examination (100%)