Emergency medical care, urgent conditions and health care provision under special conditions
Module: Basic Sciences
Contact hours – lectures: 35
Contact hours – seminar:  
Contact hours – clinical exercises: 15
Contact hours – clinical practice:  
Holder of subject: Andrej Fink, MSHS, Senior Lecturer
Jože Prestor,
Senior Assistant
Year of study: Second
Emergency medical care, urgent conditions and health care provision under special conditions

Contact hours – lectures: 35
Contact hours – seminar:  
Contact hours – clinical exercises:  
Contact hours – clinical practice: 15
Holder of subject: Andrej Fink, MSHS, Senior Lecturer
Jože Prestor, Senior Assistant
Education providers:
  • Andrej Fink, MSHS, Senior Lecturer
  • Jože Prestor, Senior Assistant
Level of study: First Bologna cycle professional education study program
Semester: Winter
Language: Slovene/English
Subject-specific competences:
  • To promote and respect human rights and diversity in light of the physical, psychological, spiritual and social needs of autonomous individuals, taking into account their opinions, beliefs, values and culture, and the international and national codes of ethics, as well as the ethical implications of healthcare provision; ensuring their right to privacy and honouring the confidentiality of healthcare information.
  • To assume responsibility for life-long learning and continuous professional development.
  • To accept accountability for one’s professional activities and to recognise the limits of personal scope of practice and competences.
  • To independently protect the health and well-being of individuals, families or groups being cared for, ensuring their safety and promoting their autonomy.
  • To apply critical thinking skills and systems approach to problem solving and decision-making in the professional context of emergency medical care.
  • To be able to comprehensively communicate, interact and work effectively with colleagues and inter-professional staff, and to work therapeutically with individuals, families and groups.
  • To independently use electronic health records to document emergency medical treatment.
  • To independently obtain, apply and exchange information between patients and health care professionals in health care organizations and the social environment.
  • To implement scientific findings in evidence-based practice.
  • To show sufficient knowledge and skills for providing professional and safe emergency medical care.
  • To respond appropriately and in time to unexpected and rapidly changing situations.
  • To perform independently efficient measures in crisis and disaster situations that allow the preservation of life and life quality.

Knowledge and understanding:
  • To show an ethical, legal and humanistic conduct in all actions of delivering nursing care to patients, families and the community.
  • To accept accountability for one’s professional activities and to recognise the limits of one’s scope of practice and competences.
  • To ensure the right to privacy while respecting the confidentiality of information related to healthcare provision.
  • To educate individuals and groups on how to handle illness prevention measures and use the services provided by the emergency medical care.
  • To use common sense and experience in identifying problems and situations and in solving them.
  • To efficiently solve problems occurring during the provision of care to patients, their families and the community by capitalizing on the available materials and resources.
  • To use the IT solutions available in the healthcare system.
  • To assume responsibility as a member of the interdisciplinary team.
  • To show a positive attitude towards continuous improvement process.
  • To be committed to teamwork.
  • To be responsible for one’s own professional development according to the latest scientific and technological developments.
  • To define the concepts of “basic vital support” and “cardiorespiratory arrest”.
  • To identify the cases in which resuscitation is indicated.
  • To know the main techniques for assessing apparent death.
  • To establish the intervention indications in assisting a patient suffering from cardiorespiratory arrest.
  • To specify the action sequence in basic vital support.
  • To recognise the most common errors when performing cardiorespiratory arrest resuscitation.
  • To recognise the most common complications when performing cardiorespiratory arrest resuscitation.
  • To identify risks associated with the profile of the “resuscitator”.
  • To differentiate between “disasters” and “accidents with multiple victims”.
  • To know how to appropriately transfer a person who has suffered an accident to a healthcare centre, depending on the circumstances.
  • To differentiate the concept of “triage” during a “disaster” from that of  its classification “accidents with multiple victims”.
  • To list different priority levels regarding the therapeutic assistance for victims.
  • To quote the steps to be followed in drafting an action plan following the appropriate  procedure and knowing the resources available.
  • To classify actions that must be carried out in cases of incidents involving nuclear, radiological, chemical or biological risks.
Mandatory references:
  • Grmec,  Š.,  ed., 2008. Nujna  stanja  [elektronsko  gradivo].  Ljubljana:  Zavod  za  razvoj  družinske medicine, Združenje zdravnikov družinske medicine.
  • Grmec,  Š., Čretnik, A., Kupnik, D., Smrkolj, V., Švab, I., Kamenik, M. & Vlahović, D., eds, 2006. Oskrba  poškodovancev  v  predbolnišničnem  okolju.  Maribor: Visoka zdravstvena šola.
  • Jordan, S.K., 2007. Emergency Nursing Core Curriculum. St. Louis: Sauders.
  • Posavec, A., ed., 2006. Strokovni seminar Imobilizacija s sodobnimi pripomočki, Ig, 10. februar 2006. Ljubljana: Zbornica zdravstvene in babiške nege, Zveza društev medicinskih sester in zdravstvenih tehnikov Slovenije, Sekcija reševalcev v zdravstvu.
  • Fink, A., v tisku. Dispečerska služba zdravstva. Ljubljana: Ministrstvo za zdravje.
  • Dujić, D., ed., 2013. Smernice za delovanje sistema nujne medicinske pomoči ob množičnih nesrečah [elektronsko gradivo]. Ljubljana: Ministrstvo za zdravje Republike Slovenije. Available at:  http://www.mz.gov.si/fileadmin/mz.gov.si/pageuploads/kakovost/NMP_2013/mnozicne_nesrece/Smernice_NMP_mnozicne_tisk_2.pdf
  • Šarc, L., ed., 2011. Zdravstvene smernice za ravnanje služb nujne medicinske pomoči v kemijskih nesrečah [elektronsko gradivo]. Ljubljana: Ministrstvo za zdravje Republike Slovenije. Available at:  http://www.mz.gov.si/fileadmin/mz.gov.si/pageuploads/krizne_razmere_mnoz_nesrece_epidem/Zdr_smernice_SNMP_kemijske_nesrece_2011.pdf
  • Gradišek, P., ed., 2015. Smernice za oživljanje 2015 Evropskega sveta za reanimacijo [elektronsko gradivo]. S.l.: Slovenski svet za reanimacijo, Slovensko združenje za urgentno medicino; 2015. Available at:  http://www.szum.si/media/uploads/files/ERC_2015_slo-1.pdf
Recommended references:
  • Posavec, A., ed., 2015. Strokovni seminar Ogrožen otrok na terenu ali Spremembe sistema NMP: kaj za reševalce predstavlja večji izziv?, Golte, 23. in 24. april 2015. Ljubljana: Zbornica zdravstvene in babiške nege, Zveza društev medicinskih sester in zdravstvenih tehnikov Slovenije, Sekcija reševalcev v zdravstvu.
  • Posavec, A., ed., 2014. Strokovni seminar Akcidentalna stanja na terenu, 8. in 9. maj 2014, hotel Celjska koča. Ljubljana: Zbornica zdravstvene in babiške nege, Zveza društev medicinskih sester      in zdravstvenih tehnikov Slovenije, Sekcija reševalcev v zdravstvu.
  • Posavec, A, ed., 2014. Strokovni seminar Interpretacija EKG zapisa v predbolnišničnem okolju, Celje, november 2014. Ljubljana: Zbornica zdravstvene in babiške nege, Zveza društev medicinskih sester in zdravstvenih tehnikov Slovenije, Sekcija reševalcev v zdravstvu.
  • Posavec, A., ed., 2011. Varna uporaba zdravil v predbolnišnični nujni medicinski pomoči: zbornik predavanj,  Strokovni  seminar  Zdravila  v  rokah  reševalca.  Velenje, 15.–16. april 2011. Ljubljana: Zbornica zdravstvene in babiške nege, Zveza društev medicinskih sester in zdravstvenih tehnikov Slovenije, Sekcija reševalcev v zdravstvu.
  • Posavec, A., ed., 2010. Strokovni   seminar   Obravnava   pacientov   z   nalezljivimi   boleznimi   v predbolnišničnem okolju: zbornik predavanj, Ig, 8. 10. 2010. Ljubljana: Zbornica zdravstvene  in  babiške  nege,  Zveza  društev  medicinskih  sester  in  zdravstvenih tehnikov Slovenije, Sekcija
  • reševalcev v zdravstvu.
  • Cotič, M., Okrožnik, M. & Homar, M., eds., 2010. Urgentni  pacient  -  novosti  v  obravnavi:  zbornik predavanj, Rogaška Slatina, 21. - 22. 10. 2010. Ljubljana: Zbornica zdravstvene in babiške nege, Zveza društev medicinskih sester in zdravstvenih tehnikov Slovenije, Sekcija medicinskih sester in zdravstvenih tehnikov v urgenci.
  • Posavec, A., ed., 2009. Nujna internistična stanja v predbolnišničnem okolju: zbornik predavanj. Rogaška Slatina, 17. – 18. 4. 2009. Ljubljana: Zbornica zdravstvene in babiške nege, Zveza društev medicinskih sester in zdravstvenih tehnikov Slovenije, Sekcija reševalcev v zdravstvu.
  • Cotič, M., ed., 2009. Urgentni pacient - usklajenost dela in sodelovanje: zbornik predavanj.  Radenci, 15. – 16. 10. 2009. Ljubljana: Zbornica zdravstvene in babiške nege, Zveza društev medicinskih   sester   in   zdravstvenih  tehnikov   Slovenije,  Sekcija   medicinskih   sester   in zdravstvenih tehnikov v urgenci.
  • Posavec, A., ed., 2009. Sladkorna bolezen: zbornik predavanj, Rogaška Slatina, 17. – 18. 4. 2009. Ljubljana: Zbornica zdravstvene in babiške nege, Zveza društev medicinskih sester in zdravstvenih tehnikov Slovenije, Sekcija reševalcev v zdravstvu.
  • Posavec, A., ed., 2009. Izvajanje nujne medicinske pomoči in transporta v izrednih razmerah:  zbornik predavanj, Ig, 23. 10. 2009. Ljubljana: Zbornica zdravstvene in babiške nege, Zveza društev medicinskih sester in zdravstvenih tehnikov Slovenije, Sekcija reševalcev v zdravstvu.
  • Posavec, A., ed., 2008. Opekline, amputacije, blast in crush poškodbe v predbolnišničnem okolju: zbornik predavanj, Moravske Toplice, 18. – 19. april, 2008. Ljubljana: Zbornica zdravstvene in babiške nege, Zveza društev medicinskih sester in zdravstvenih tehnikov Slovenije, Sekcija reševalcev v zdravstvu.
  • Posavec, A., ed., 2007. Nujna obravnava starostnika: zbornik predavanj, Čatež, 20.-21. april 2007. Ljubljana: Zbornica zdravstvene in babiške nege, Zveza društev medicinskih sester in zdravstvenih tehnikov Slovenije, Sekcija reševalcev v zdravstvu.
  • Štromajer, D., Cotič-Anderle, M., Mahnič, S., Okrožnik, M., Bračko, V. & Brvar, M., eds., 2007. Življenjsko ogrožen pacient - učinkovita in kakovostna oskrba: zbornik predavanj  1.  kongresa  Sekcije,  Čatež, 18.  –  20. 10. 2007. Ljubljana:  Zbornica zdravstvene  in  babiške  nege,  Zveza  društev  medicinskih  sester  in  zdravstvenih tehnikov Slovenije, Sekcija medicinskih sester in zdravstvenih tehnikov v urgenci.
  • Posavec, A., ed., 2006. Nujni ukrepi v predbolnišnični nujni medicinski pomoči: zbornik predavanj, Kranjska Gora, 21. – 22. 4. 2006. Ljubljana: Zbornica zdravstvene in babiške nege, Zveza društev medicinskih sester in zdravstvenih tehnikov Slovenije, Sekcija reševalcev v zdravstvu.
  • Fink, A., 2000. Transport  bolnika/poškodovanca  z  reševalnim  vozilom  –  standardni  pristop.  In: A. Posavec & A. Fink, eds. Strokovni  seminar  Transport  bolnika  poškodovanca:  zbornik
  • Predavanj, Ljubljana, 22. september 2000. Ljubljana: Sekcija zdravstvenih tehnikov in
  • medicinskih sester reševalcev pri Zbornici zdravstvene nege Slovenije.
  • Polič, M., ed., 1994. Psihološki vidiki nesreč. Ljubljana: Uprava Republike Slovenije za zaščito in reševanje pri Ministrstvu za obrambo.
Study obligations:
  • 50% obligatory attendance at lectures
  • 100 % obligatory attendance at clinical exercises
Assessment methods:
  • written examination (100%)
    Successfully passing the test at the end of exercises (the condition for the exercises to count); the test is written and practical (life support algorhythm).