Elderly nursing care with gerontology
Module: |
Nursing care |
3 |
Contact hours – lectures: |
45 |
Contact hours – seminar: |
Contact hours – clinical exercises: |
Contact hours – clinical practice: |
Holder of subject: |
Dr Radojka Kobentar, Assistant Professor |
Year of study: |
Second |
Contact hours – lectures: |
20 |
Contact hours – seminar: |
Contact hours – clinical exercises: |
Contact hours – clinical practice: |
Holder of subject: |
Dr Radojka Kobentar, Assistant Professor |
Education providers: |
- Dr Lea Žmuc Veranič, Lecturer
Level of study: |
First Bologna cycle professional education study program |
Semester: |
Winter |
Language: |
Subject-specific competences: |
The section 'Objectives and competences' was not included in the accredited syllabus—it was included in the section 'Intended learning outcomes'.
Knowledge and understanding:
- understanding the difference between illnesses in adults and older adults;
- understanding the difference between aging and illness in old age;
- understanding the causal chain for disability in the elderly;
- ability of meeting the needs of older patients;
- understanding the critical situations of family members;
- familiarity with intervention types for family caregivers, including the available help provided by non-profit organizations;
- awareness of prejudices against the elderly;
- knowledge of basic rehabilitation principles and the dynamics of a rehabilitation team;
- knowledge of physical therapy methods;
- understanding the specific functioning of persons with motor disorders and special characteristics of their rehabilitation.
Mandatory references: |
- Lunder, U., ed., 2007. Bolezni in sindromi v starosti 1. Ljubljana: Gerontološko društvo Slovenije.
- Mencej, M., ed., 2008. Bolezni in sindromi v starosti 2. Ljubljana: Gerontološko društvo Slovenije.
- Kobentar, R., ed., 1997. Psihiatrična zdravstvena nega. Zbornik predavanj funkcionalnega izobraževanja. Ljubljana: Psihiatrična klinika in ZZNS, pp. 62-6.
- Štefančič, M., ed., 2003. Osnove fizikalne medicine in rehabilitacije gibalnega sistema. Ljubljana: DZS.
Recommended references: |
- Kane, R.L., Ouslander, J.G. & Abrass, I.B., 2004. Essentials of Clinical Geriatrics. New York: McGraw-Hill.
- Rueben, D., 2008. Geriatrics at Your Fingertips 2008-2009. New York: American Geriatrics Society.
- Štrukelj, K.B. & Kogoj, A, eds., 2008. Gerontopsihiatrija - izziv sodobnega časa: zbornik prispevkov 5. psihogeriatričnega srečanja, Zreče, 11.-12. april 2007. Ljubljana : Spominčica - Slovensko združenje za pomoč pri demenci.
- Velikonja, I., ed., 2005. Zdravstveni, pravni in socialni vidiki obravnave oseb z demenco: zbornik prispevkov 4. psihogeriatričnega srečanja, Lipica, 31. marec – 1. april 2005. Ljubljana: Spominčica - združenje za pomoč pri demenci, Psihiatrična klinika Ljubljana.
- Kogoj, A., ed., 2003. Spomin: zbornik prispevkov 3. psihogeriatričnega srečanja, Otočec, 13.-14. marec 2003. Ljubljana: Spominčica - Združenje za pomoč pri demenci, Psihiatrična klinika Ljubljana.
Study obligations: |
- 50% obligatory attendance at lectures
Assessment methods: |
- written examination (100%)