Subject-specific competences: |
- become familiar with modern approaches and principles in organization, management and leadership in healthcare and nursing;
- become familiar with the health care system and the place/role of nursing in it;
- become familiar with the organization theory, concepts and approaches in health care management;
- obtain knowledge on the fundamental processes in health care organizations and the tasks of nursing management;
- obtain knowledge about leadership of employees, change management in practice, decision making, problem solving, team work and work organization;
- obtain knowledge on employee development, the importance of education/trainings and career management in nursing, employee motivation;
- obtain knowledge on managing the processes in nursing and health care.
Knowledge and understanding:
- familiarity with the basic knowledge, development and definitions in management and the connection to management and leadership in healthcare and nursing;
- familiarity with the work of health care management as part of the social environment;
- understanding the importance of integrating health care management with nursing management;
- understanding the importance of leadership and elements of leadership for successful health care management;
- understanding the theories of leadership, decision making and change management in nursing management.
Mandatory references: |
- Bernik, I., Kovač, J., Černetič, M., Ferjan, M., Florjančič, J., Bernik, M., et al., 1999. Sodobne oblike in pristopi pri organiziranju. Kranj: Univerza v Mariboru.
- Vila, A. & Kovač, J., 1997. Osnove organizacije in managementa. Kranj: Univerza v Mariboru, Fakulteta za organizacijske vede.
- Možina, S., Rozman, R., Tavčar, M., Pučko D., Ivanko, Š., Lipičnik, B., et al., 2002. Management: Nova znanja za uspeh. Ljubljana: Didakta.
- Shortell, S.M. & Kaluzny, A.D., 2000. Health Care Management: Organization Design and Behavior. 4 th ed. Albany: Delmar Publishers. (izbrana poglavja: 1, 2, 7, 9, 10, 13, 14, 15)
- Petkovšek Gregorin, R. & Karan, K., 2008. Razvrščanje pacientov v kategorije glede na zahtevnost bolnišnične zdravstvene nege. Rehabilitacija, 7(1), pp. 32-36.
- Robida, A., 2006. Uvajanje izboljševanja kakovosti v bolnišnice. Ljubljana: Ministrstvo za zdravje.