Nursing care of a surgical patient and rehabilitation
Module: Nursing care
Contact hours – lectures: 90
Contact hours – seminar:  
Contact hours – clinical exercises:  
Contact hours – clinical practice:  
Holder of subject: Miran Rems, MSc, Senior Lecturer
Dr Sedina Kalender Smajlović, Assistant Professor
Year of study: Second
Nursing care of a surgical patient, Nursing care in intensive therapy, anaesthesiology and resuscitation

Contact hours – lectures: 35
Contact hours – seminar:  
Contact hours – clinical exercises:  
Contact hours – clinical practice:  
Holder of subject: Dr Sedina Kalender Smajlović, Senior Lecturer
Education providers:
  • Gordana Lokajner Lecturer
  • Dr Sedina Kalender Smajlović, Assistant Professor
  • Dr Marjeta Logar, Lecturer
Level of study: First Bologna cycle professional education study program
Semester: Winter
Language: Slovene/English
Subject-specific competences: Student:
  • gains an understanding of the basic concepts of nursing care for surgical/trauma patients;
  • becomes familiar with the basic principles of nursing care for surgical/trauma patients and specifics of individual surgical fields;
  • acquires an understanding of the common issues in the treatment of surgical/trauma patients;
  • learns about and knows how to evaluate the biological, social, psychological and environmental factors that could affect the health of patients/injured with a surgical disease/injury;
  • becomes familiar with the importance of prevention of surgical diseases and injuries;
  • becomes familiar with the main areas of activity and the role of nurses in the management of surgical/trauma patients at the primary, secondary and tertiary levels of health care;
  • gains knowledge and understanding of  basic principles observed in the treatment of surgical/trauma patients;
  • gains an understanding of modern trends in the treatment and nursing care of surgical/trauma patients;
  • knows how to apply nursing theories to the treatment of surgical/trauma patients;
  • is able to identify and solve nursing problems in surgical/trauma patients;
  • knows how to ensure and improve the quality of nursing care for surgical/trauma patients;
  • is able to use theoretical findings in practice, and be critical, independent, and innovative in their work;
  • exercises and respects human rights and diversity in the light of physical, psychological, spiritual and social needs, taking into account the principles of the code of ethics;
  • develops a capacity for critical thinking and a systemic approach, communication and teamwork;
  • develops the implementation of scientific findings into evidence-based practice, and demonstrates satisfactory knowledge and the ability to ensure professional and safe nursing care with the emphasis on continuous quality improvement.

Knowledge and understanding:
  • is able to use the acquired theoretical knowledge and practical skills in the care of surgical/trauma patients;
  • is able to consolidate acquired knowledge and expand it through further training;
  • is able to consider each patient’s individual needs, specific characteristics of different fields of surgery, and material limitations while making use of the acquired theoretical knowledge;
  • is able to develop the skills required for practicing nursing care;
  • understands the different approaches to the care of surgical/trauma patients: comprehensive, individual, and problem-oriented approach;
  • understands and is able to use different forms of therapeutic communication;
  • is aware of the need to provide health education to patients;
  • acquires additional knowledge for a humane and ethical approach to patients.
Mandatory references:
  • Ivanuša, A. & Železnik, D., 2000. Osnove zdravstvene nege kirurškega bolnika: izbrana področja. Maribor: Visoka zdravstvena šola.
  • Gordon, M., 2006. Negovalne diagnoze – priročnik. Maribor: Zdravstveni dom dr. Antona Drolca, Kolaborativni center SZO za primarno zdravstveno nego.
  • Ivanuša, A. & Železnik, D., 2008. Standardi aktivnosti zdravstvene nege. 2. izd. Maribor: Fakulteta za zdravstvene vede. 
  • Muri, S., 2002. Zdravstvena nega bolnika z akutno ishemijo spodnjih okončin. Obzornik zdravstvene nege, (36), pp. 161 - 164.
  • Zbornik predavanj šole enterostomalne terapije 2006-2007, 2007. Ljubljana: Klinični center Ljubljana, Področje za zdravstveno nego.
  • Hajdarevič Buček, I. & Kardoš, Z., 2000. Preprečevanje dejavnikov tveganja pred operativnim posegom in po njem. Obzornik zdravstvene nege, (34), pp. 115 – 119.
  • Cesar Komar, M., ed, 2008. Pooperacijska bolečina: zbornik 12. seminarja o terapiji bolečine, z mednarodno udeležbo, Maribor, 6.-7. junij 2008. Maribor: SZZB – Slovensko združenje za zdravljenje bolečine.
  • Rijavec, I., ed, 2010. Pomen timskega dela na kirurgiji v UKC Maribor: zbornik predavanj, Maribor, 8. in 9. april 2009. Maribor: Zbornica zdravstene in babiške nege Slovenije – Zveza strokovnih društev medicinskih sester, babic in zdravstvenih tehnikov Slovenije, Sekcija medicinskih sester in zdravstvenih tehnikov v kirurgiji.
  • Kodila, V., 2008. Osnovni vodnik po kirurški enoti intenzivnega zdravljena priročnik za medicinske sestre in zdravstvene tehnike. Ljubljana: Univerzitetni klinični center, kirurška klinika, klinični oddelek za anesteziologijo in intenzivno terapijo operativnih strok.
  • Rijavec, I., ed., 2011. Zdravstvena nega kirurškega pacienta: zbornik predavanj, Ljubljana, 21. april 2011. Ljubljana: Sekcija medicinskih sester in zdravstvenih tehnikov v kirurgiji, Zbornica zdravstvene in babiške nege Slovenije, Zveza strokovnih društev medicinskih sester, babic in zdravstvenih tehnikov Slovenije.
Recommended references:
  • Rijavec, I., ed., 2009. Celosten pogled kirurške zdravstvene nege na stroko in kakovost – proces trajnega izboljševanja kakovosti v SB Celje: zbornik predavanj, Celje, 3. in 4. april 2009. Ljubljana: Zbornica zdravstvene in babiške nege Slovenije – Zveza strokovnih društev medicinskih sester, babic in zdravststvenih tehnikov Slovenije, Sekcija medicinskih sester in zdravstvenih tehnikov v kirurgiji.
  • Rijavec, I., ed., 2008. Kirurška zdravstvena nega v Splošni bolnišnici Slovenj Gradec: zbornik predavanj, Slovenj Gradec, 3. in 4. april 2008. Ljubljana: Zbornica zdravstvene in babiške nege Slovenije – Zveza strokovnih društev medicinskih sester. Babic in zdravstvenih tehnikov Slovenije, Sekcija medicinskih sester in zdravstvenih tehnikov v kirurgiji.
  • Abrams, J.H., Druck, P. & Cerra, F.B., 2005. Surgical Critical Care. 2nd ed. S.l.: Taylor & Francis Group.
Study obligations:
  • 50% obligatory attendance at lectures
Assessment methods:
  • written examination (100%)