Nursing care of patients with chronic diseases
Module: |
Nursing care |
3 |
Contact hours – lectures: |
50 |
Contact hours – seminar: |
Contact hours – clinical exercises: |
Contact hours – clinical practice: |
Holder of subject: |
Erika Povšnar, MSc, Lecturer
Marta Kavšek, MSc, Lecturer
Marjana Bernot, Senior Lecturer
Year of study: |
Second |
Nursing care of patients with chronic diseases
Contact hours – lectures: |
15 |
Contact hours – seminar: |
Contact hours – clinical exercises: |
Contact hours – clinical practice: |
Holder of subject: |
Erika Povšnar, MSc, Lecturer
Education providers: |
- Erika Povšnar, MSc, Lecturer
- Barbara Benedik, Lecturer*
Level of study: |
First Bologna cycle professional education study program |
Semester: |
Winter |
Language: |
Subject-specific competences: |
Identifying healthy lifestyle factors, risk factors and non-communicable diseases.
Knowledge of the integrated prevention approach and integrated health care provision to patients with chronic non-communicable diseases and their advantages – recognizing the needs, protocols of patient management, documenting, evaluating/assessment, and establishing the quality of integrated treatment.
Recognizing the importance of health promotion and prevention for patients with chronic non-communicable diseases at the primary, secondary and tertiary levels of health care.
Being familiar with training programs and empowerment of both vulnerable groups and patients suffering from chronic non-communicable diseases /disease self-care/.
Knowledge and understanding:
- health factors and risk factors for chronic non-communicable diseases;
- health inequalities and vulnerable groups;
- integrated and high-quality patient health care provision based on the nursing process implementation, appropriate documentation, applied quality standards, and research;
- integrated health care provision of patients with chronic non-communicable diseases (screenings, management protocols/model practice; health promotion; prevention at the primary, secondary and tertiary health care levels; high-quality health care provision for patients intended at preventing the onset and aggravation of chronic non-communicable diseases);
- the importance of patient empowerment;
- recognizing the importance of open communication, cooperation, team work, interdisciplinary and cross-sectoral integration and health care provision in accordance with ethical norms.
Mandatory references: |
- Farkaš, J., 2011, 2011. Promocija zdravja v bolnišnicah: od ideje o podpornih okoljih do razvoja Mednarodne mreže za promocijo zdravja v bolnišnicah. In: J. Farkaš & M. Košnik, ed. Promocija zdravja v bolnišnicah, strokovno srečanje ob ustanovitvi Slovenske mreže za promocijo zdravja v bolnišnicah: zbornik prispevkov, Golnik, 25. november 2011. Golnik: Univerzitetna klinika za pljučne bolezni in alergijo Golnik, pp. 4-13.
- Panikvar Žlahtič, K. & Klemenc, D., 2011. Kako so nastajale referenčne ambulante – pogled zdravstvene nege. In: A. Bobnar, ed. Vloga medicinske sestre na primarni ravni zdravstvene dejavnosti – izziv za prihodnost: zbornik predavanj, 18. – 30. december 2011 (CD). Ljubljana: Dan Stane Kavalič, pp. 18-30.
- Pravilnik za izvajanje preventivnega zdravstvenega varstva na primarni ravni. Uradni list RS, št. 19/98, 47/98, 26/00, 67/01, 33/02, 37/03, 117/04, 31/05, 83/07, 22/09.
- Redsell, S.A. in Cheater, F.M., 2008. Nurses' roles in primary care: developments and future prospects. Quality in Primary care, 16(2), pp. 69-71.
- Susič Poplas, A. & Marušič, D., 2011. Referenčne ambulante. Bilten: ekonomika, organizacija in informatika v zdravstvu, 27(1), pp. 9-17.
- Železnik, D., Panikvar Žlahtič, K., Vidmar, I., Istenič, B., Filej, B., Verbič, M. & Založnik, S., 2011. Aktivnosti zdravstvene nege za diplomirane medicinske sestre in tehnike zdravstvene nege v ambulanti družinske medicine. Ljubljana: Zbornica zdravstvene in babiške nege Slovenije Zveza strokovnih društev medicinskih sester, babic in zdravstvenih tehnikov Slovenije.
Recommended references: |
- Bodenheimer, T., MacGregor, K. & Sharifi, C., 2014. Podpora bolnikom pri obvladovanju kroničnih bolezni. Ljubljana: Nacionalni inštitut za javno zdravje.
- Tomšič, S., Kofol Bric, T., Korošec, A. & Maučec Zakotnik, J., 2014. Izzivi v izboljševanju življenjskega sloga in zdravja – desetletje CINDI raziskav v Sloveniji. Ljubljana: Nacionalni inštitut za javno zdravje.
Study obligations: |
- 50% obligatory attendance at lectures
Assessment methods: |
- written examination (100%)