Nursing and coordination of health care provision
Module: Nursing care
Contact hours – lectures: 30
Contact hours – seminar: 15
Contact hours – clinical exercises:  
Contact hours – clinical practice:  
Holder of subject: Zdenka Kramar, Lecturer
Year of study: Third
Nursing and coordination of health care provision
Contact hours – lectures: 30
Contact hours – seminar: 15
Contact hours – clinical exercises:  
Contact hours – clinical practice:  
Holder of subject: Zdenka Kramar, Lecturer
Education providers:
  • Zdenka Kramar, Lecturer
Level of study: First Bologna cycle professional education study program
Semester: Winter
Language: Slovene/English
Subject-specific competences: Students:
  • Become familiar with the development of a holistic program for establishing the work of a health care provision coordinator, and the preparation of professional foundations for leading and coordinating health care provision;
  • Get to know the basics of optimizing patient health care provision with continuous implementation of quality and safety;
  • Learn about the importance of a multidisciplinary approach in defining the factors for a difficult discharge and skills of communication with patients and their family members;
  • Get to know the use of nursing diagnoses in the coordination of health care provision;
  • Recognize the meaning of risk management in the field of safety in nursing and health care;
  • Become familiar with and apply methods and tools to achieve better safety and quality in nursing;
  • Obtain the knowledge and skills to plan clinical pathways;
  • Become familiar with the theoretical foundations for understanding professional communication (patient handoffs, interprofessional communication…);
  • Are able to apply the safety management system in different contexts (healthcare-associated infections, surgical activities, intensive therapy etc.);
  • Learn about the basics of providing safety and quality in out-of-hospital settings.

Knowledge and understanding:
  • knowing the development of a holistic program for establishing the work of a health care provision coordinator, and the preparation of professional foundations for leading and coordinating health care provision;
  • knowing the importance of a multidisciplinary approach in defining the factors for a difficult discharge and skills of communication with patients and their family members;
  • knowing how to use nursing diagnoses;
  • knowing the meaning of risk management in the field of safety in nursing and health care;
  • knowing and applying methods and tools to achieve better safety and quality in nursing;
  • knowing the importance of and having the skills for designing clinical ways;
  • having the theoretical foundations to understand professional communication (patient handoffs, interprofessional communication…);
  • Knowing and use of a safety management system in different contexts (healthcare-associated infections, surgical activities, intensive therapy etc.);
  • knowing the basics of providing safety and quality in out-of-hospital settings.
Mandatory references:
  • Robida, A., 2009. Pot do odlične zdravstvene prakse. Ljubljana: Planet GV.
  • Ministrstvo za zdravje Republike Slovenije, 2010. Nacionalna strategija kakovosti in varnosti v zdravstvu 2010-2015. Ljubljana: Ministrstvo za zdravje.
  • Kadivec, S., Bregar, B., Buček Hajdarevič, I., Černivec, J., Horvat, M., Klemenc, D., Kramar, Z., Lokajner, G., Masten Cuznar, O., Skela Savič, B., Tičar, Z. & Zavrl Džananović, D., 2011. Strategija razvoja zdravstvene nege in oskrbe v zdravstvenem varstvu v RS za obdobje 2011-2020. Ljubljana: Ministrstvo za zdravje.
  • Luksemburška deklaracija o varnosti pacientov, 2005. Available at:
  • Berginc Dolenšek, A., et al., 2006. Metodološka priporočila za oblikovanje in uvajanje kliničnih poti. Ljubljana: Ministrstvo za zdravje Republike Slovenije.
  • Kramar, Z., 2013. Kakovost, vodenje in varnost v zdravstveni negi: kaj lahko pokažemo v klinični praksi In: 12. mednarodni kongres zdravstvene in babiške nege, zbornik predavanj, Brdo pri Kranju 11. -12. maj 2013. Ljubljana: Zbornica zdravstvene in babiške nege Slovenije – Zveza društev medicinskih sester, babic in zdravstvenih tehnikov Slovenije.
  • Zbornica zdravstvene in babiške nege - Zveza strokovnih društev medicinskih sester, babic in zdravstvenih tehnikov Slovenije, 2012. Protokol fizičnega oviranja s pasovi pacientov v bolnišnicah. Ljubljana: Zbornica zdravstvene in babiške nege - Zveza strokovnih društev medicinskih sester, babic in zdravstvenih tehnikov Slovenije. Available at:
  • Gordon, M., 2006. Negovalne diagnoze: priročnik. Maribor: Zdravstveni dom Adolfa Drolca.
  • Grmek Košnik, I., Hvalič Touzery, S., Skela Savič, B., Ribič, H., Čufar, A., Avberšek Lužnik, I., eds., 2013. Okužbe, povezane z zdravstvom: zbornik prispevkov z recenzijo / 4. simpozij Katedre za temeljne vede, Kranj, 15. oktober 2013. Jesenice: Visoka šola za zdravstveno nego.
  • T. Lužnik – Bufon, ed., 2009. Strokovne podlage in smernice za obvladovanje in preprečevanje okužb, ki so povezane z zdravstvom oziroma zdravstveno oskrbo. 2. dopolnjena izd. Ljubljana: Ministrstvo za zdravje Republike lovenije, pp. 17-25. Poglavje Higiena rok.
  • Poldrugovac, M. & Simčič, B., eds., 2010. Priročnik o kazalnikih kakovosti. Ljubljana: Ministrstvo za zdravje Republike Slovnije.
  • Kadivec, S., Skela Savič, B., 2011. Organizacijska kultura in uvajanje sprememb v slovenskih bolnišnicah: subkulture in mesto zdravstvene nege? Obzornik zdravstvene nege, 40(4), pp. 187-196.
  • Ovijač, D., 2007. Medpoklicno sodelovanje medicinskih sester, zdravstvenih tehnikov in zdravnikov: magistrsko delo. Ljubljana: Univerza v Mariboru, Fakulteta za organizacijske vede.
  • Lees, L., 2008. Estimating patient discharge dates. Nursing Management, 15(3), pp. 30-5.
  • Standard za bolnišnice. Mednarodne akreditacijske zahteve. DNV(Det Norske Veritas), DNV-DS-HC101, Verzija 2.0, December, 2011.
Recommended references:  /
Study obligations:
  • 100% obligatory attendance at the seminars
  • 50% attendance at lectures
Assessment methods:
  • written examination (80%)
  • seminar (20%)