Palliative care
Module: Nursing care
Contact hours – lectures: 30
Contact hours – seminar: 15
Contact hours – clinical exercises:  
Contact hours – clinical practice:  
Holder of subject: Marjana Bernot, Senior Lecturer
Year of study: Third
Palliative care
Contact hours – lectures: 30
Contact hours – seminar: 15
Contact hours – clinical exercises:  
Contact hours – clinical practice:  
Holder of subject: Marjana Bernot, Senior Lecturer
Education providers:
  • Marjana Bernot, Senior Lecturer
  • Jernej Benedik, Lecturer
  • Dr Anja Simonič, Senior Lecturer
  • Judita Slak, Assistant
Level of study: First Bologna cycle professional education study program
Semester: Winter
Language: Slovene/English
Subject-specific competences:
  • To describe and understand key concepts and principles in palliative care;
  • To identify the needs of patients and their family members in their environments for holistic, continuous coordination of care;
  • Proper and timely response to changing needs of patients and their family members;
  • To meet ethical decision-making challenges in palliative care;
  • To identify changes in patients during their last days of life;
  • To know the existing nursing resources for extremely demanding patients in the terminal stage of life;
  • To know and understand the cultural factors in death and dying;
  • To know the roles of different members of the social and health care teams and recognize the importance of interdisciplinary work;
  • To have the required communication skills for palliative care.  

Knowledge and understanding
The student:
  • Becomes familiar with issues of advanced chronic diseases and with their impact on the social environment;
  • Becomes familiar with the development of palliative care, nursing in palliative care and the special features of this field;
  • Obtains the knowledge to understand the principles of palliative care;
  • Becomes familiar with the basic areas of activities and the role of a nurse in palliative care at the primary, secondary and tertiary levels of health care, and the roles of other interdisciplinary team members;
  • Learns how to recognize and assess patient needs and make a nursing plan according to patients’ and their families’ goals and expectations;
  • Learns how to assess and plan the care for the most frequent physical symptoms at the end of life: pain, dyspnea, nausea/vomiting and delirium;
  • Learns how to implement the assessment of psycho-social and spiritual needs and plan treatment activities;
  • Becomes familiar with the holistic multidisciplinary approach to palliative care, and the importance of ongoing education of patients and their families;
  • Recognizes and manages the process of dying;
  • Recognizes the importance of NGOs and volunteers in palliative care;
  • Recognizes the importance of maintaining psychological, physical and spiritual strength in working with patients with advanced chronic diseases.
Mandatory references:
  • Benedik, J., Červek, J., Červ, B., Gugić Kevo, J., Mavrič, Z., Serša, G. & Zakotnik, B., eds., 2008. Pogosta vprašanja v paliativni oskrbi. Ljubljana: Onkološki inštitut.
  • Benedik, J., 2008. Delirij v paliativni medicini. Neprepoznani sopotnik ob koncu življenja. Onkologija, 12(2), pp. 105–107.
  • Benedik, J., 2009. Prehrana v paliativni medicini. Onkologija, 13(2), pp. 117–119.
  • Benedik, J., 2011. Oskrba bolnika ob koncu življenja. Onkologija, 15(1), pp. 52–58.
  • Červek, J., Simončič Godnič, S., Benedik, J., Ebert, M., Gugić Kevo, J., Lahajnar Čavlovič, S., et al., 2012. Zdravila za uporabo v paliativni medicini. 2. izd. Ljubljana: Onkološki inštitut.
  • Ministrstvo za zdravje Republike Slovenija, 2010. Državni program paliativne oskrbe. Ljubljana: Ministrstvo za zdravje Republike Slovenija. Available at:
  • Metulj, 2014.  Available at:
  • Jelen Jurič, J. & Benedik, J., 2009. Hipodermokliza – varen, udoben, praktičen in cenovno ugoden postopek parenteralne hidracije. Onkologija, 8(2), pp. 120–123.
  • Matzo, M., Sherman, D.W., eds., 2015. Palliative care nursing: quality care to the end of life. 4th ed. New York: Springer Publihing Company.
  • Rajer, M., 2011. Obravnava težkega dihanja pri bolnikih v zadnjih dneh življenja. Onkologija, 15(2), pp. 130–132.
  • Takač, I., Červek, J., Benedik, J., Čas Sikošek, N., Lubanjšek, N., eds., 2012. 2. šola za paliativno oskrbo. ABC paliativne oskrbe pri bolnikih z rakom: zbornik prispevkov, Maribor, 23. in 24. marec 2012. Maribor: Univerzitetni klinični center Maribor, Klinika za ginekologijo in perinatologijo, Oddelek za ginekološko onkologijo in onkologijo dojk, Tim za paliativno oskrbo OI Ljubljana.
  • Ferrell, B.R., & Coyle, N., eds., 2010. Oxford Textbook of Palliative Nursing. 3rd ed. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Recommended references:
  • European Journal of Palliative Care
  • The Journal of the European Association for Palliative Care
  • Gradiva šole paliativne oskrbe
  • Obzornik zdravstvene nege
Study obligations:
  • 100% obligatory attendance at the seminars
  • 50% attendance at lectures
Assessment methods:
  • written examination (80%)
  • seminar (20%)