Prevention and control of infections in healthcare
Module: Physiotherapy
Contact hours – lectures: 30
Contact hours – seminar: 15
Contact hours – clinical exercises:  
Contact hours – clinical practice:  
Holder of subject: Helena Ribič, Senior Lecturer
Zdenka Kramar, Lecturer
Year of study: First
Prevention and control of infections in healthcare
Contact hours – lectures: 30
Contact hours – seminar: 15
Contact hours – clinical exercises:  
Contact hours – clinical practice:  
Holder of subject: Helena Ribič, Senior Lecturer
Zdenka Kramar, Lecturer
Education providers: Helena Ribič, Senior Lecturer
Zdenka Kramar, Lecturer
Level of study: First Bologna cycle professional education study program
Semester: Winter
Language: Slovene/English
Subject-specific competences:
Health care associated infections (HCAI) – Introduction.
Pathogenesis and transmission of infections.
Normal saprophytic microbiota of the human body, human pathogens including water transmitted pathogens.
Specimen collection and transport, the role of  clinical microbiology laboratory in containment of infections.
Risk factors and the most frequent HCAI, risk factors for infections in physiotherapy.
Water as a source of infection, prevention and containment of legionelosis.
Epidemiologic surveillance of HCAI as an example of a research.
Antibiotics, resistance to antibiotic and containment of multiple drug resistant bacteria.
Personal orderliness and protection of health care workers from infection.
Hand hygiene and other standard isolation measures, equipment for personal protection.
Isolation measures and care for patient in an isolation unit.
Infection prevention measures in physiotherapy, classification of surface areas according to risk for infection transmission in physiotherapy and rehabilitation.
Cleaning, disinfection and hygiene maintenance of equipment and rooms in physiotherapy including equipment for respiratory physiotherapy, baths and swimming pools.
Sterilisation in health care.
Health care waste management.

  • becomes familiar with current approaches to health care associated infections;
  • learns about the theoretical basis of procedures in physiotherapy with reference to infection control;
  • acquires knowledge and skills in basic hygienic procedures in physiotherapy and rehabilitation according to up-to-date professional guidelines;
  • gets knowledge about risks for infections in physiotherapy;
  • becomes familiar with the most common human pathogenic microbes, water transmitted pathogens, diagnostics, prevention and containment of multi-drug resistant bacteria, gets basic knowledge of epidemiology;
  • gets knowledge about cleaning, disinfection and sterilisation of accessory, equipment and facilities  in physiotherapy.
Knowledge and understanding:
  • Qualifications for autonomous identification of the risk at OPZ and implementation of proposed physiotherapy on behalf of gained OPZ knowledge and skills.
  • Qualification for self-initiative acting for OPZ prevention and implementation of measures in the field of physiotherapy.
  • Qualifications to use knowledge and understanding of specific areas of OPZ.
  • Knowledge and skill application at clinical and other environments on behalf of gained skills that are proposed for recognition, prevention and managing of OPZ.
  • Development of critical thinking and the ability for reflection of the process of constant quality improvement and safety at OPZ prevention.
  • Development of organizational and communicational skills for teamwork and cooperation in healthcare and in healthcare-related activities.
Mandatory references:
  • Ribič, H. & Kramar, Z., 2016. Preprečevanje okužb, povezanih z zdravstvom: skripta za študijski program Zdravstvena nega (VS). Jesenice : Fakulteta za zdravstvo.
  • Lejko Zupanc, T., 2013.  Pomen higiene rok za preprečevanje bolnišničnih okužb. In: I. Grmek Košnik, S. Hvalič Touzery, B. Skela Savič, H. Ribič, A. Čufar & I.
    Avberšek Lužnik, eds. Okužbe, povezane z zdravstvom: zbornik prispevkov z recenzijo / 4. simpozij Katedre za temeljne vede, Kranj, 15. oktober 2013. Jesenice:
    Visoka šola za zdravstveno nego, pp. 42-8.
  • Lužnik-Bufon, T., Klavs, I. & Avsec-Letonja,  D., 2009. Higiena rok. In: Strokovne podlage in smernice za obvladovanje in preprečevanje okužb, ki so povezane z
    zdravstvom oziroma zdravstveno oskrbo, druga dopolnjena izd. Ljubljana: Ministrstvo za zdravje RS, pp. 1-9.
  • Delovna skupina pri Ministrstvu za zdravje, 2009. Poglavje 7, podpoglavje 3: Preprečevanje prenosa okužb z respiratornimi pripomočki in opremo. Available at: 
  • Delovna skupina pri Ministrstvu za zdravje RS, 2009. Strokovne podlage in smernice za obvladovanje in preprečevanje okužb, ki so povezane z zdravstvom oziroma
    zdravstveno oskrbo, druga dopolnjena izd. Available at:
  • Delovna skupina pri Ministrstvu za zdravje RS, 2009. Poglavje 9: Čiščenje in razkuževanje prostorov, opreme in pripomočkov ter minimalni tehnični pogoji za bolnišnice in druge zdravstvene ustanove. Available at:
Recommended references:  
Study obligations: 50% obligatory attendance at lectures
100% obligatory attendance at seminars
submitted and presented seminar work
Assessment methods: seminar work (20%)
written examination (80%)