Arm rehabilitation
Module: Physiotherapy
Contact hours – lectures: 20
Contact hours – seminar:  
Contact hours – clinical exercises:  
Contact hours – clinical practice: 50
Holder of subject: Dr Maja Frangež, Lecturer
Year of study: First
Arm rehabilitation
Contact hours – lectures: 20
Contact hours – seminar:  
Contact hours – clinical exercises:  
Contact hours – clinical practice: 50 
Holder of subject: Dr Maja Frangež, Lecturer
Education providers: Dr Maja Frangež, Lecturer
Level of study: First Bologna cycle professional education study program
Semester: Winter
Language: Slovene/English
Subject-specific competences:
Student learns about most common injuries and defects of upper limb: tendon injuries of flexors and extensors of fingers and wrists, sports overload injuries and injuries at workplace (Dequervain's disease, lateral and medial epicondylitis, compression syndrome in the shoulder area), after fracture conditions in fingers, wrists, elbows and shoulders. Injuries and defects of nerves. 
Students learns about indications and contraindication fort the application of new physical methods, physiotherapy methods and manual techniques when dealing with injuries and defects of upper limbs.
Is familiar with the latest applications of kinesiotaping of upper limbs. Learns about braces and ortosis used by tendon flexors and extensors of fingers and wrists, by rheumatic illness of arms, by degenerative illness and by sport injuries of arms.
Techniques and treatment of scars and swellings of upper limbs. 
The usage of rating scales for the rehabilitation of upper limb (DASH, quick DASH, CONSTANT) and the knowledge of documentation of work process. 
Participates in interdisciplinary team that deals with arm rehabilitation (occupational therapist, a psychologist, a specialist of physical medicine and rehabilitation, surgeon).
Student is able to evaluate patient and prepare the physiotherapy programme for patients with acute or overload injuries of upper limbs. 
Student is able to choose the appropriate method and technique of physiotherapy for upper limb injuries. Learns about teamwork in dealing with patients with injuries and damages of upper limbs and is acknowledged with the work of physiotherapists and other members of team of treated patient (occupational therapist, a psychologist, a specialist of physical medicine and rehabilitation, surgeon).
Student is able to identify and evaluate the clinical and functional condition of the patient with upper limb injuries and plans the aims and program of physiotherapy treatment. 
Student can use appropriate methods and techniques according to the patients condition.
Mandatory references:
  • Dolšek, F., 1991. Funkcionalna anatomija roke. Novo mesto: Krka.
  • Clark, G.L., ed.,  ur., 1997. Hand rehabilitation: a practical guide. 2nd ed. New York [etc.]: Churchill Livingstone.
  • Skirven, T.M., 2011. Rehabilitation of the hand and upper extremity. 6th ed. S.l.: s.n.
Recommended references:  
Study obligations: 50% obligatory attendance at lectures
100% obligatory attendance at seminars
submitted and presented seminar work
Assessment methods:
  • written examination (100%)