Subject-specific competences: |
- The incidence of the role of physical / sport activity in the modern lifestyle;
- The definition of the dimensions of kinesiology in physiotherapy;
- Means of kinesiology in physiotherapy;
- Differentiation, analysis and monitoring systems, physical / sports training;
- Selection, analysis and evaluation of physical / sporting activity according to specific needs and dimension of life;
- The role and the meaning of kinesiology at prevention, curative process and rehabilitation;
- Research fields of applied kinesiology - as a supporting discipline when examining problems of physiotherapy;
- Limits of support and research by kinesiology – at medical sciences and social sciences.
Objectives and competences:
- Student will gain basic knowledge for the identification, application and analysis in the field of Kinesiology science as a foundation for monitoring and understanding of the role that movement/sport activity has in the life of an individual and in society.
- Student will understand basic recognitions of Kinesiology in the field of planning, management and control of physical/sports training, student will also be able to transfer this knowledge to the field of physiotherapy.
- Student will gain knowledge in the field of kinesiology science for understanding the interdependence od physical and psychological preparation, through theoretical concepts and models of various transformation processes.
- The ability to search for new facts, their interpretation and integration to concept of studying.
- The ability of recognition and research of consequences of interaction between environment and human and preventive functioning for sustainable development.
Knowledge and understanding:
- When exam is passed students will know how to:
- analyse and evaluate the meaning and the role of kinesiology in the field in physiotherapy;
- understand the role, the meaning and relationship of movement/sports activity to different factors and leverages the individual and society;
- basic regulative process by the loco motoric learning and specifics of physical behaviour;
- to evaluate the characteristics of the modern approach to physical/sport activity and platforms of sports training system;
- to evaluate an apply kinesiology for themselves and others as a factor for life quality improvement (in the field of preventives, identification, creativity, therapy, rehabilitation,…).
Mandatory references: |
- Shephard, J., Stephens, T., Sutton, J.R. & McPherson, B.D., eds., 2005. Exercise, fitness and health: A consensus of current knowledge. Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics Publishers, pp. 637–53.
- Mišigoj Duraković, M., et al., 2003. Telesna vadba in zdravje. Ljubljana: FŠ, Zavod za šport Slovenije, Zagreb: Kineziološka fakulteta.
- Papalia, D.E., Olds, S.W. & Feldman, R.D., 2003. Human Development. New York, McGraw-Hill.
- Eitzen, D.S., 2000. Sport in contemporary Society: An Anthology. New York: Worth Publishers.
- Hardman, A.E., 1999. Physical activity intervention studies with health-related outcomes: some issues. Journal of sports sciences, 17(9), pp. 685-687.
- Whipp, B.J. & Sargeant, A.J., eds., 1999. Physiological Determinants of Exercise Tolerance in Humans. London: Portland Press.
- Videmšek, M. & Pišot, R., 2007. Šport za najmlajše. Ljubljana: Fakulteta za šport, Inštitut za šport.
- Fentem, P.H., Turnbull, N.B. & Bassey, E.J., 1990. Benefits of Exercise - the Evidence. Manchaster: University Press.
- Hardman, A.E. & Stensel, D.J., 2003. Physical Activity & Health: the Evidence Explained. London: Routledge.
- Pišot, R., Holistic approaches in the rehabilitation process after hip surgery. In: U. Marušič, B. Šimunič & R. Pišot, eds. Hip fracture in the elderly: reasons, consequences and rehabilitation. Koper: University of Primorska, Science and Research Centre, Institute for Kinesiology Research, Annales University Press, p. 7-10.