Basics of kinesiology
Module: Physiotherapy
Contact hours – lectures: 20
Contact hours – seminar:  
Contact hours – clinical exercises:  
Contact hours – clinical practice: 50
Holder of subject: Dr Rado Pišot, Professor
Year of study: First
Basics of kinesiology
Contact hours – lectures: 20
Contact hours – seminar:  
Contact hours – clinical exercises:  
Contact hours – clinical practice: 50 
Holder of subject: Dr Rado Pišot, Professor
Education providers:
  • Dr Rado Pišot, Professor
Level of study: First Bologna cycle professional education study program
Semester: Winter
Language: Slovene/English
Subject-specific competences:
  1. The incidence of the role of physical / sport activity in the modern lifestyle;
  2. The definition of the dimensions of kinesiology in physiotherapy;
  3. Means of kinesiology in physiotherapy;
  4. Differentiation, analysis and monitoring systems, physical / sports training;
  5. Selection, analysis and evaluation of physical / sporting activity according to specific needs and dimension of life;
  6. The role and the meaning of kinesiology at prevention, curative process and rehabilitation;
  7. Research fields of applied kinesiology - as a supporting discipline when examining problems of physiotherapy;
  8. Limits of support and research by kinesiology – at medical sciences and social sciences.
Objectives and competences:
  1. Student will gain basic knowledge for the identification, application and analysis in the field of Kinesiology science  as a foundation for monitoring and understanding of the role that movement/sport activity has in the life of an individual and in society.
  2. Student will understand basic recognitions of Kinesiology in the field of planning, management and control of physical/sports training, student will also be able to transfer this knowledge to the field of physiotherapy.
  3. Student will gain knowledge in the field of kinesiology science for understanding the interdependence od physical and psychological preparation, through theoretical concepts and models of various transformation processes.
  4. The ability to search for new facts, their interpretation and integration to concept of studying.
  5. The ability of recognition and research of consequences of interaction between environment and human and preventive functioning for sustainable development.
Knowledge and understanding:
  • When exam is passed students will know how to:
  • analyse and evaluate the meaning and the role of kinesiology in the field in physiotherapy;
  • understand the role, the meaning and relationship of movement/sports activity to different factors and leverages the individual and society;
  • basic regulative process by the loco motoric learning and specifics of physical behaviour;
  • to evaluate the characteristics of the modern approach to physical/sport activity and platforms of sports training system;
  • to evaluate an apply kinesiology for themselves and others as a factor for life quality improvement (in the field of preventives, identification, creativity, therapy, rehabilitation,…).
Mandatory references:
  • Shephard, J., Stephens, T., Sutton, J.R. & McPherson, B.D., eds., 2005. Exercise, fitness and health: A consensus of current knowledge. Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics Publishers, pp. 637–53.
  • Mišigoj Duraković, M., et al., 2003. Telesna vadba in zdravje. Ljubljana: FŠ, Zavod za šport Slovenije, Zagreb: Kineziološka fakulteta.
  • Papalia, D.E., Olds, S.W. & Feldman, R.D., 2003. Human Development. New York, McGraw-Hill.
  • Eitzen, D.S., 2000. Sport in contemporary Society: An Anthology. New York: Worth Publishers. 
  • Hardman, A.E., 1999. Physical activity intervention studies with health-related outcomes: some issues. Journal of sports sciences, 17(9), pp. 685-687.
  • Whipp, B.J. & Sargeant, A.J., eds., 1999. Physiological Determinants of Exercise Tolerance in Humans. London: Portland Press.
  • Videmšek, M. & Pišot, R., 2007. Šport za najmlajše. Ljubljana: Fakulteta za šport, Inštitut za šport.
  • Fentem, P.H., Turnbull, N.B. & Bassey, E.J., 1990. Benefits of Exercise - the Evidence. Manchaster: University Press.
  • Hardman, A.E. & Stensel, D.J., 2003. Physical Activity & Health: the Evidence Explained. London: Routledge.
  • Pišot, R., Holistic approaches in the rehabilitation process after hip surgery. In: U. Marušič, B. Šimunič & R. Pišot, eds. Hip fracture in the elderly: reasons, consequences and rehabilitation. Koper: University of Primorska, Science and Research Centre, Institute for Kinesiology Research, Annales University Press, p. 7-10.
Recommended references:  
Study obligations: 50% obligatory attendance at lectures
100% obligatory attendance at seminars
submitted and presented seminar work
Assessment methods:
  • written examination (100%)