Subject-specific competences: |
- Healthy lifestyle and health behaviour risks.
- Theoretical basic principles of a safe and healthy nutrition, nutrition as a risk factor in development of different diseases and disorders.
- Theoretical basic principles of a safe and effective physical activity for health, physical inactivity and sedentary behaviour as a risk factor in development of different diseases and disorders.
- The importance of rest, sleep and regeneration for health.
- Defining mental health, the presentation of negative stress as a risk factor for an unhealthy lifestyle and problems in physical and mental health; basic principles for the enhancement of mental health and modes of coping with stress.
- Defining hazardous and harmful alcohol drinking (H&HAD) as risk factors for alcohol dependence syndrom and other negative effects on one's health; presenting basic principles for tackling H&HAD and responsible attitude towards drinking alcohol, presenting sources of aid in case of problematic drinking.
- Defining nicotine addiction, presenting negative effects of (pasive) smoking, presenting prevention programmes and effective strategies in smoking cessation.
- Balancing a healthy body weight and prevent unhealthy weight gain.
- Assessment and evaluation of lifestyle risk factors at the individual level.
- Selected theoretical models of behavior change.
- Health education, motivation and counselling for healthy lifestyle and coping with stress.
Objectives and competences:
- Mastering the principles of healthy, safe, balanced nutrition, including the principles of nutritional planning; and individual eating habists assessment.
- Mastering the principles of healthy, safe and balanced physical activity, knowing the hazards of sedentary behavior, including the principles of active lifestyle planning and seating prevention and individual physical activity level and seating amount assessment.
- Mastering the importance of rest, sleep and regeneration.
- Mastering the basic principles for the enhancement of mental health and ways of coping with stress, including the principles of stress management planning and individual stress assessment.
- Mastering the principles of less hazardous alcohol drinking and knowing the risks of H&HAD for health, mastering the basic principles in tackling H&HAD and knowing sources of help in case of problematic alcohol drinking.
- Mastering the importance of smoking cessation for one's health and basic effective smoking cessation strategies, knowing national prevention programmes for smoking cessation.
Knowledge and understanding:
Students know how to assess lifestyle of an individual, provide basic counselling for a lifestyle change and make a plan for a healthy lifestyle.
Mandatory references: |
- Hlastan Ribič, C., 2009. Zdrava prehrana: Skripta za študente medicine.
- Ministrstvo za zdravje, 2004. Referenčne vrednosti za vnos hranil. Ljubljana: Ministrstvo za zdravje.
- Maučec Zakotnik, J., Backović Juričan, A., Verdnik, M., Hlastan Ribič, C., Jelenc, A., Knific, T. & Djomba, J.K., 2016. Z gibanjem do zdravja. Ljubljana: Nacionalni inštitut za javno zdravje. Available at:
- Knific, T., Backo
- vić Juričan, A., Djomba, J.K., Zupančič Tisovec, B., Šćepanović, D. & Petrič, M., 2016. Gibam se: delovni zvezek za udeležence delavnice: z vztrajnostjo in ozaveščenostjo skupaj do boljšega zdravja. Ljubljana: Nacionalni inštitut za javno zdravje. Dostopno na:
- Australian Government: Department for Health, 2014. Make your Move- Sit Less, Be Active for Life. Commonwelth of Australia. Available at:$File/Brochures_PAG_5-12yrs.pdf
- Katzmarzyk, P.T., Church, T.S., Craig, C.L. & Bouchard, C., 2009. Sitting Time and Mortality from all Causes, Cardiovascular Disease, and Cancer. Med Sci Sports Exerc, 41(5), pp. 998-1005.
- British Heart Foundation National Centre for Physical Activity and Health, 2012. Sedentary behaviour: evidence briefing. S.l.: Loughborough University.
- Maučec Zakotnik, J., Tomšič, S., Kofol Bric, T., Korošec, A. & Zaletel Kragelj, L., 2012. Zdravje in vedenjski slog prebivalcev Slovenije – Trendi v raziskavah CINDI 2001–2004–2008. Ljubljana: Inštitut za varovanje zdravja RS. Available at:
- World Health Organization, 2010. Global Recommendations on Physical Activity for Health. Geneva: World Health Organization. Available at:
- Bouchard, C., Blair, S.N. & Haskell, W.L., 2006. Physical Activity and Health. USA: Human Kinetics.
- Dernovšek, M.Z., Gorenc, M. & Jeriček Klanšček, H., 2006. Ko te strese stres. Ljubljana: Inštitut za varovanje zdravja. Available at:
- Bajt, M., Jeriček Klanšček, H. & Britovšek, K., 2015. Duševno zdravje na delovnem mestu. Ljubljana: Nacionalni inštitut za javno zdravje. Available at:
- Pro-Change Behavior Systems, Inc., 2009. Roadways to Healthy Living: A Guide for Exercising Regularly. South Kingstown: Pro-Change Behavior Systems, Inc.
- Riekert, K.A., Ockene, J.K. & Pbert, L., 2014. The Handbook of Health Behaviour Change. 4th ed. New York: Springer Publishing Company.
- World Health Organization, 2014. Global status report on alcohol and Health. Geneva: World Health Organization. Available at:
- Kolšek, M., Poplas-Susič, T. & Kersnik, J., 2013. Slovenian adaptation of the original audit-C questionnaire. Substance use & misuse, 48(8), pp. 581-589.
- Hočevar, T., Roškar, M. & Kolšek, M., 2017, v pripravi. Utemeljitev interdisciplinarne celostne obravnave tveganega in škodljivega pitja alkohola pri odraslih. Ljubljana: Nacionalni inštitut za javno zdravje.
- Patnode, C.D., et al., 2015. Behavioral Counseling and Pharmacotherapy Interventions for Tobacco Cessation in Adults, Including Pregnant Women: A Review of Reviews fort he U.S. Preventive Services Task Force. Ann Intern Med, 163(8), pp. 608-621.
- Smith, A.L., Carter, S.M., Dunlop, S.M., Freeman, B. & Chapman, S., 2015. The Views and Experiences of Smokers Who Quit Smoking Unassisted. A Systematic Review of the Qualitative Evidence. Available at: 5: e0127144.doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0127144
- Koprivnikar, H., Zupanič, T., Pucelj, V. & Gabrijelčič Blenkuš, M., 2013. Razširjenost kajenja med medicinskimi sestrami, babicami in zdravstvenimi tehniki v Sloveniji = The prevalence of smoking among nurses, midwives and nursing technicians in Slovenia. Zdravstveno varstvo, 52(1), pp. 39-46.