Communication and supervision in healthcare
Module: Physiotherapy
Contact hours – lectures: 30
Contact hours – seminar: 15
Contact hours – clinical exercises:  
Contact hours – clinical practice:  
Holder of subject: Dr Vesna Čuk, Senior Lecturer
Year of study: First
Communication and supervision in healthcare             

Contact hours – lectures: 30
Contact hours – seminar: 15
Contact hours – clinical exercises:  
Contact hours – clinical practice:  
Holder of subject: Dr Vesna Čuk, Senior Lecturer
Education providers:
  • Dr Vesna Čuk, Senior Lecturer
Level of study: First Bologna cycle professional education study program
Semester: Winter
Language: Slovene/English
Subject-specific competences:
Definition of the communication process:
  • Basic concepts, communication elements as psychosocial process.
  • Verbal/nonverbal communication; listening styles, the rules of speech and communication, organization of discussion and communication.
  • Communication as interpersonal process and interpersonal relationship.
  • Therapeutic communication: the role of empathy and sympathy, supportive communication, application of communication technics with patients and others.
  • Persuasive communication: elements of persuasive communication and motivation.
  • Types of communication: emotional and absent communication.
  • Problem solving communication with patients/relatives in specific situations.
  • Conflict communication: types of conflicts, causes for conflicts, methods for constructive solving of conflicts.
  • Health care team communication: open communication, team work, communication skills (communication patterns).
  • Functional and dysfunctional communication in team; identification of problems in a team/group.
  • Approaches toward better communication in healthcare team.
Definition of the process of supervision:
  • Definition of concept used at supervision, application of supervision as special learning method and its meaning at dealing with people.
  • Supervision in healthcare, the method of learning by doing at supervision.
  • Ethics by supervision, application of reflection and critical thinking.
  • Definition of supervision: types and methods of supervision, guiding, educative and supportive function forms.
  • Types of supervision.
  • Intervision – specific form of collective learning of professionals. The meaning of experiential learning form professional and personal development. 
  • Definition of clinical supervision, the process of clinical supervision, aims of clinical supervision.
  • Supervision in a work organization, application of supervision as aid by conflict situations.
  • The importance of supervision for professional and personal development.
  • The aim of the course is for the students to understand the meaning and gain basic knowledge that enables them to develop skills for communication application and supervision by clinical practise in healthcare team.
  • Knowing and understanding the role of communication at work.
  • Knowing and understanding of basic competences for the development of supportive therapeutic communication.
  • Knowing and understanding of methods and techniques of conversation and reflection with conduction and cooperation at healthcare team.
Knowledge and understanding:
  • Knowing and understanding the basic concepts of the communicational process and supervision, theory of therapeutic communication, theories of empathy and theories of trust among people.
  • Knowing and understanding the communicational methods and techniques and supervision.
  • Knowing and understanding of methods for managing conflict situations with supervision.
  • Knowing and understanding of supervision.
  • Understanding of cognitive, emotional and social feedback to psychological burden in healthcare.
  • Knowing about supervision techniques for stress control and managing emotional burden.
  • Knowing and understanding of the role of help and changing behaviour in health.
  • Understanding of clinical issues at the communication and at relationships  with patients and co-workers’.
  • The development of ability for transformation and application of gained knowledge to clinical practise.
Mandatory references:
  • Jaques, D., 2001. Learning group work. London: Kogan Page.
  • Kobolt, A. & Žorga, S., 2000.  Supervizija. Proces razvoja in učenja v poklicu. Ljubljana: Univerza v Ljubljani, Pedagoška fakulteta.
  • Kobolt, A., 2004. Metode in tehnike supervizije. Ljubljana: Pedagoška fakulteta.
  • Kobolt, A., 2010. Supervizija in koučing. Ljubljana: Pedagoška fakulteta. 
  • Lynch L., Hancox K., Hapell B. &, Parker, J., 2008. Clinical Supervision for Nurses. Oxford; Malden (MA): Wiley-Blackwell.
  • Servellen, van G., 2009. Communication Skills for the Health care Professional: Concepts, Practice, and Evidence. 2nd ed. Boston: Jones and Bartlett Publishers. 
  • Rungapadiachy, M., 2003. Medosebna komunikacija v zdravstvu. Ljubljana: Educy. 
  • Ule, M., 2003. Spregledana razmerja. Maribor: Aristej.
  • Ule, M., 2005. Socialna psihologija. Ljubljana: FDV. 
  • Ule, M., 2009. Psihologija komuniciranja in medosebnih odnosov. Ljubljana: FDV. 
  • Žorga, S., ed. 2002. Modeli in oblike supervizije. Ljubljana: Pedagoška fakulteta. 
  • Dodatna literatura po izbiri  predavatelja
Recommended references:  
Study obligations: 50% obligatory attendance at lectures
100% obligatory attendance at seminars
submitted and presented seminar work
Assessment methods: seminar work (30%)
written examination (70%)