Quality and safety in healthcare and physiotherapy
Module: |
Physiotherapy |
3 |
Contact hours – lectures: |
30 |
Contact hours – seminar: |
15 |
Contact hours – clinical exercises: |
Contact hours – clinical practice: |
Holder of subject: |
Zdenka Kramar, Lecturer |
Year of study: |
First or Second
Quality and safety in healthcare and physiotherapy
Contact hours – lectures: |
30 |
Contact hours – seminar: |
15 |
Contact hours – clinical exercises: |
Contact hours – clinical practice: |
Holder of subject: |
Zdenka Kramar, Lecturer |
Education providers: |
- Andrea Backović Juričan, Senior Lecturer
Level of study: |
First Bologna cycle professional education study program |
Semester: |
Winter |
Language: |
Subject-specific competences: |
- Quality and safety system (System thinking, general about the system, healthcare as a complex and flexible system), process management in healthcare and physiotherapy;
- Microsystem v healthcare (the definition);
- Focus and empowerment on patient and relatives;
- Practical methods and tools for quality and safety improvements of the medical treatment (improvement of its own health care praxis, safety talks/safety tours, MM conference;
- Approaches and findings on the area of the constant improvement at the quality and safety in healthcare;
- Patient safety culture;
- Clinical risk management (human factor optimization – ergonomics)
- Faults prevention; (structural communicating for fault preventions, work flexibility for fault prevention, development of teamwork for faults prevention, specific competences for fault prevention according to the occupation, speciality, working position);
- Restraint, reporting and analysing of faults for faults with aim of learning for future mistake prevention;
- Communication with patient and relatives;
- Basic principles of patient rights and complaining paths.
- Student learns about contemporary approaches and findings on quality and safety in health care – system and process approach;
- Student learns about healthcare microsystem functioning;
- Student learns about the meaning of the focusing on patient and relatives and empowerment;
- Practical methods and tools for quality and safety improvements at healthcare treatment (own healthcare praxis improvement, safety talks/safety rounds, MM conference);
- Student learns about the meaning of safety culture and about the meaning of reporting of safety and other complications;
- Student learn about physiotherapists enrolment in the process of continuous quality and safety improvement in healthcare;
- Student is familiar with tools for quality and safety achievements;
- Student knows the meaning of the risk management of the quality and the safety in healthcare;
- Student knows about the theoretical basics for professional communication at all levels (patient, inter-professional communication);
- Students will gain knowledge in the field of leadership and intervention system management;
- Student gains knowledge of the meaning of verification of customer satisfaction and complaining paths.
Knowledge and understanding:
- to assure and improve the quality and safety and the culture of safety;
- knowledge and understanding of system and process work for quality and safety improvements in healthcare;
- knowledge of meaning of changes in the area of continuous improvements at quality and safety in healthcare;
- knowledge of microsystem functioning;
- knowledge of modern approach on focusing and empowering on patients and relatives;
- knowledge of tools for achievement higher quality and safety in healthcare;
- knowledge and awareness of risks in process of patient healthcare;
- knowledge of meaning of reporting safety and other complications;
- knowledge of measure process management on quality and safety in healthcare;
- knowledge of professional communisation – patient, inter-professional communication;
- knowledge of patient rights and complaining paths.
Mandatory references: |
- Robida, A.,ed., 2006. Uvajanje izboljševanja kakovosti v bolnišnice: Ministrstvo za zdravje.
Available at: http://www.mz.gov.si/fileadmin/mz.gov.si/pageuploads/mz_dokumenti/
- Robida, A., 2009. Pot do odlične zdravstvene prakse. Vodnik za izboljševanje kakovosti in presojo
lastne zdravstvene prakse. Ljubljana: Planet GV.
- Robida A. Napake pri zdravstveni obravnavi pacientov. Sistematilna analiza globjih vzrokov za napake.
Bled: Center za izboljševanje kakovosti in varnosti zdravstvene obravnave, 2013.
- Council of Europe, 2006. Recommendation Rec(2006)7 of the Committee of ministers to Member States
on management of patient safety and prevention of adverse events in healthcare.
Available at: https://search.coe.int/cm/Pages/result_details.aspx?ObjectID=09000016805ae8b5.
- Ministrstvo za zdravje , 2010. Nacionalna strategija kakovosti in varnosti v zdravstvu (2010-2015).
Ljubljana: Ministrstvo za zdravje. Available at: http://www.mz.gov.si/fileadmin/mz.gov.si/pageuploads/
- Luksemburška deklaracija o varnosti pacientov, 2005. Available at: http://www.eu2005.lu/eu/actuales/
- Kersnik, J., 2010. Kakovost v zdravstvu. Ljubljana: Združenje zdravnikov družinske medicine.
- Zakon o pacientovih pravicah (ZPacP). Uradni list Republike Slovenije št. 15/2008.
Available at: http://www.uradni-list.si/1/objava.jsp?urlid=200815&stevilka=455.
- Luksemburška deklaracija o varnosti bolnika, 2005.
Available at: http://www.szd.si/user_files/vsebina/Zdravniski_Vestnik/st5-7-8/st5-7-8-413- 414.htm. 3.
- Ministrstvo za zdravje, 2006. Nacionalne usmeritve za razvoj kakovosti v zdravstvu. 4.
Available at: http://www.mz.gov.si/fileadmin/mz.gov.si/pageuploads/mz_dokumenti/delovna_podrocja/zdravstveno_
- Varnost pacientov, 2011. Available at: http://prosunt.si/varnostpacientov.
Recommended references: |
Study obligations: |
50% obligatory attendance at lectures
100% obligatory attendance at seminars
submitted and presented seminar work |
Assessment methods: |
seminar work (20%)
written examination (80%) |