The second cycle (Master’s Degree/2 yrs) study program Advanced Nursing Care consists of obligatory and elective subjects, as well as the master’s thesis. It is equivalent to 120 ECTS (European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System).  

The second-cycle (Master's degree/2 yrs) study program Advanced Nursing Care comprises three fields of study:
•    Advanced nursing care and profession development
•    Advanced nursing care of adults in primary health care
•    Advanced nursing care in mental health care and psychiatry

Students choose the field of study upon enrollment.

The decision regarding the fields of study is based on the needs of clinical settings. Considering the great need for staff in the field of acute and chronic treatment in family medicine clinics, we supplemented the program with content in this field to enable graduate nurses working in reference clinics at the primary level to extend their knowledge. The field of mental health is where the needs for masters of nursing care at the primary level are great; in addition, this field of study is designed to cover the needs of secondary and tertiary psychiatric treatment.

The curriculum is designed to ensure all students attend the same subjects during their first year valued at 55 ECTS regardless of their chosen field of study. In the winter semester, the students start a compulsory subject in their chosen field equivalent to 5 ECTS.

In the second year, students have 5 common compulsory courses equivalent to 25 ECTS, 3 compulsory courses equivalent to 20 ECTS, and 3 elective courses equivalent to 15 ECTS. From their elective courses, students may choose 2 elective courses within their specialization and 1 elective course from any specialization.

Students will also attend clinical training, particularly in both clinical fields of study. The number of hours of clinical training per individual specialization:
- Advanced nursing care and profession development: 50 hours
- Advanced nursing care of adults in primary health care: 525 hours
- Advanced nursing care in mental health care and psychiatry: 525 hours

Students will carry out clinical training in clinical learning centers where we have obtained approvals to carry out clinical training at the first level of the nursing care (HE) study program.

The program is interdisciplinary and comparable in content and delivers the necessary theoretical and practical knowledge for competent practice in the field of nursing care at the Master's level of education. It is carried out by Slovenian and foreign habilitated higher education teachers. Extensive (self-)evaluation procedures are also in place to ensure continuous quality monitoring.

ISCED: Health (72), Humanities (22), Social Sciences (31)
KLASIUS-P: Nursing care (7231)
FRASCATI: Medical sciences
Level of education (Master’s Degree/2 yrs)
Bologna Second cycle study program (Master’s Degree/2 yrs) Advanced Nursing Care
Academic title and its abbreviation Master of Nursing Care
Program comparability The second cycle (Master’s Degree/2 yrs) study program Advanced Nursing Care consists of obligatory and elective subjects, as well as the master’s thesis. It is equivalent to 120 ECTS (European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System).  Of these, 60 ECTS credits are obtained from obligatory courses, 40 ECTS from elective courses and 20 ECTS from the preparation and defense of the master's thesis. The ECTS credits guarantee that the study program is comparable with similar programs abroad. One ECTS represents 25-30 hours of student work.
Competences acquired through the Master's degree The Master of Advanced Nursing Care is trained in contemporary debates about the theory and development of nursing practice, problem-solving by applying research methods and the complexities of evidence-based nursing practice, ethical principles in nursing research and practice.
The Master of Advanced Nursing Care is trained to take a holistic approach to the patient at the primary level, which includes not only making a diagnosis but also taking responsibility for the treatment of acute and chronic medical conditions.
The Master of Advanced Nursing is trained in the organization, management and quality assurance in nursing care.
Your obligations A student completes the second cycle study program once they fulfill all the obligations prescribed by the study program and write and successfully defend their master's thesis to accumulate a total of 120 ECTS credits (60 ECTS in the first year + 40 ECTS in the second year + 20 ECTS for the master's thesis = 120 ECTS).
Study duration 2 years, 4 semesters (120 ECTS)
Study type Full-time and part-time