Master's program »Advanced Nursing Care«: winter semester

Subject mandatory for all directions
Management in health care and nursing care
30 20   10 65 5
Master's seminar 2 (preparation of disposition)         125 5

Compulsory course subjects

Study field 1: Advanced nursing care and profession development
Education and mentoring in nursing 40 40   40 130 10
Advanced application of ethical theory in clinical nursing practice 30 20   10 65 5
Professionalization of nursing and change management 30 20   10 65 5

Study field 2: Advanced adults nursing care in primary level
Clinical practicum - helathcare treatment of acutely and chronically ill adults in the family medicine clinic and prevention     250     10
Health care of acute conditions in a family medicine practice 20 20 45   40 5
Continuos and integrative treatment of chronic diseases in outpatient adults 20 20 45   40 5

Study field 3: Advanced nursing care in mental health and psychiatry
Clinical practicum – health care of acutely and chronically ill persons with mental illness and prevention     250     10
Medical treatment of persons with mental and neurologically degenerative diseases 20 20 45   40 5
Fundamentals of psychotherapeutic work in the field of mental health and psychiatry 20 20 45   40 5

L - lectures, S - seminar, CT - clinical training, OFSW - other forms of study work, ISW - individual study work, ECTS - European transmission credit system

Master's program »Advanced Nursing Care«: summer semester

Subject mandatory for all directions
Quality and safety in nursing
30 20   10 65 5
Master's seminar 3 – preparation of master's thesis           5
Defense of a master's thesis           5

Compulsory course subjects
Study field 1: Advanced nursing care and profession development
Elective course 1 - enrolled course
Elective course 2 - enrolled course           5
Elective course 3 - enrolled course
Study field 2: Advanced adults nursing care in primary level
Elective course 1 - enrolled course           5
Elective course 2 - enrolled course           5
Elective course 3 - enrolled course
Study field 3: Advanced nursing care in mental health and psychiatry
Elective course 1 - enrolled course           5
Elective course 2 - enrolled course           5
Elective course 3 - enrolled course

L - lectures, S - seminar, CT - clinical training, OFSW - other forms of study work, ISW - individual study work, ECTS - European transmission credit system