
Management in health care and nursing care


Nursing Care

Holder of subject:

Dr Brigita Skela Savič, Professor

Education providers:

  • Dr Brigita Skela Savič, Professor
  • Dr Saša Kadivec, Assistant Professor
  • Dr Mojca Dobnik, Assistant Professor

Contact hours - lectures:


Contact hours - seminar:


Contact hours - exercises:


Individual student work:




Level of study:

Second cycle study program Nursing





Subject specific competences:

The student:

Students become familiar with the basic principles and current issues in organization and management, and the basic principles of quality in health care, with the emphasis on patient safety. By the end of the course, students will understand the functioning of an organization, the difference between management and leadership, and the work and responsibilities of a manager and an expert, all from the perspective of health care organizations. Students learn the basic management functions (planning, organization, leadership, and control), management types (strategic, operative, project), and key aspects of modern management. They become familiar with the basic skills of comprehensive quality management in health care, and how to apply them directly to the work with individuals, teams, departments, health care organizations, and the health care system.


Mandatory and recommended references:

  • Mandatory references:Shortell SM, Kaluzny AD. Health Care Management: Organizational Design and behavior. Albany, N.Y. : Delmar Publishers; cop. 2007.
  • Dunn R. Haimann’s Healthcare Management. 8th ed. Chicago: Health Administration Press; 2007.
  • Česen M. Management javne zdravstvene službe. Ljubljana: CTU; 2003.
  • Vila A, Kovač J. Osnove organizacije in managementa. Kranj: Moderna organizacija; 2003. (izbrana poglavja)
  • Možina S, ed. Management: Nova znanja za uspeh. Ljubljana: Didakta; 2005. (izbrana poglavja).
  • Rozman R, Kovač J. Management. Ljubljana: GV Založba; 2012.
  • Robida A. Pot do odlične zdravstvene prakse. Vodnik za izboljševanje kakovosti in presojo lastne zdravstvene prakse. Ljubljana: Planet GV; 2009.
  • Hines P, Found P, Griffith G, Harrison R. Ohranjanje vitkosti. Uspeti, ne le preživeti. Ljubljana:Slovenski inštitut za kakovost in meroslovje; 2012.
  • Robida A. Napake pri zdravstveni obravnavi pacientov: priročnik : Root cause analysis RCA / Andrej Robida. Bled: Center za izboljševanje kakovosti in varnosti zdravstvene obravnave, Prosunt; 2013.

Recommended references:

  • Dohrey TL, Horne T. Managing Public Services - Implementing Changes. London: Routledge; 2002.
  • Mills A, Bennett S, Russell S. The Challenge of Health Sector Reform: What Must Governments Do? New York: St. Martin's Press; 2001.
  • Ransom SB, Joshi MS, Nashi DB. The health care quality book. Chicago: Health Administration Press; 2005. (izbrana poglavja)
  • Phelps CE. Health Economics. 3rd ed. Boston: Addison Wesley; 2003. (izbrana poglavja)
  • Scott RB, Joshi M, Nash D. The Hhealthcare Quality Book. Chicago: Health Administration Press ; 2004.
  • Robida  A. Nacionalne usmeritve za razvoj kakovosti v zdravstvu. Ljubljana: Ministrstvo za zdravje; 2006. Dostopno na:
  • Institute of Medicine. Crossing the Quality Chiasm. Washington DC: National Academies Press; 2001.
  • Svet Evrope (2006). Priporočilo Rec (2006)7 odbora ministrov  državam članicam o ravnanju z varnostjo pacientov in preprečevanju neželenih dogodkov v zdravstvu. Dostopno na:
  • Fras Z, Robida A, Brubnjak JV, et al. Priročnik za smernice. Ljubljana: Ministrstvo za zdravje; 2003. Dostopno na:
  • Robida A, ed. Uvajanje izboljševanja kakovosti v bolnišnice. Ljubljana: Ministrstvo za zdravje; 2006. Dostopno na:
  • Yazbeck AM, Robida A, eds. Metodološka priporočila za oblikovanje in uvajanje kliničnih poti. Ljubljana: Ministrstvo za zdravje; 2006. Dostopno na:
  • Fras Z, Robida A, Brubnjak JV, et al. Priročnik za smernice. Ljubljana: Ministrstvo za zdravje; 2003. Dostopno na:
  • Robida A, ed. Uvajanje izboljševanja kakovosti v bolnišnice. Ljubljana: Ministrstvo za zdravje; 2006. Dostopno na:
  • Yazbeck AM, Robida A, eds. Metodološka priporočila za oblikovanje in uvajanje kliničnih poti. Ljubljana: Ministrstvo za zdravje; 2006. Dostopno na:

Conditions for the inclusion in the study:

No specific prerequisites.

Assessment methods:

  • seminar work – 20%,
  • written examination – 80%.

Teaching methods:

Lectures, seminars, exercises, conducting a survey.