
Hospital epidemiology and infection control


Clinical Module

Holder of subject:

Dr Irena Grmek Košnik, Assistant Professor

Education providers:

  • Dr Irena Grmek Košnik, Assistant Professor
  • Dr Viktorija Tomič, Assistant Professor

Contact hours - lectures:


Contact hours - seminar:


Contact hours - exercises:


Individual student work:




Level of study:

Second cycle study program Nursing





Subject specific competences:

  • recognize definitions of nosocomial infections;
  • get knowledge about infectious disease epidemiology;
  • get knowledge about principles of applied epidemiology for infection control;
  • get knowledge about data collection in hospital epidemiology;
  • get knowledge about investigation of outbreaks;
  • get knowledge about epidemiology and prevention of nosocomial infections of organ systems;
  • get knowledge about epidemiology and prevention of nosocomial infections caused by specific pathogens;
  • recognize legal issues, organization and implementation of infection control programs;
  • recognize the role of health-care workers in infection control programs;
  • recognize the role of the microbiology laboratory in hospital epidemiology and infection control;
  • get knowledge about epidemiology and prevention of nosocomial infections associated with diagnostic and
  • therapeutic procedures;
  • get knowledge about epidemiology and prevention of nosocomial infections in health-care workers;
  • get knowledge about epidemiology and prevention of nosocomial infections related to hospital support services;
  • get knowledge about epidemiology and prevention of nosocomial infections in special patient populations;
  • get knowledge about epidemiology and prevention of infections in residents of long-term care facilities;
  • get knowledge about disinfection and sterilization;
  • recognize mechanisms of bacterial resistance to antimicrobial agents.

Mandatory and recommended references:

Mandatory references:

  • Glen Mayhall C. Hospital epidemiology and infection control. Baltimore: Williams and Wilkins, 2004.
  • Gubina M, Dolinšek M, Škerl M. Bolnišnicna higiena. Ljubljana: Medicinska fakulteta, 1998.
  • Delovna skupina pri Ministrstvu za zdravje RS. Strokovne podlage za pripravo programa za obvladovanje in preprecevanje bolnišnicnih okužb 2000 -2003.
  • Dragaš AZ, Škerl M. Higiena in obvladovanje okužb. Ljubljana: Založba ZRC SAZU, 2004.
  • Dolinšek M, Kramar Z, Bohinc P. Vzdrževanje prostora, opreme in pripomockov kot del izolacijske doktrine. V: Aerogeno prenosljive nalezljive bolezni. Slovensko društvo za bolnišnicno higieno, 2. strokovni seminar, Ljubljana, 9. 6. 2003. Ljubljana: Slovensko društvo za bolnišnicno higieno, 2003.: zbornik predavanj. Ljubljana, 2003: 34-40.
  • Zborniki strokovnih seminarjev Slovenskega društva za bolnišnicno higieno.

Recommended references:

  • /

Conditions for the inclusion in the study:

No specific prerequisites.

Assessment methods:

Written examination – 100%.

Teaching methods:

Lectures, seminars, laboratory work.