Gerontology Nursing Care with Gerontology
Clinical Module
Holder of subject:
Dr Angela Kydd, Assistant Professor
Dr Simona Hvalič Touzery, Assistant Professor
Education providers:
- Dr Angela Kydd, Assistant Professor
- Dr Simona Hvalič Touzery, Assistant Professor
- Dr Radojka Kobentar, Assistant Professor
Contact hours - lectures:
Contact hours - seminar:
Contact hours - exercises:
Individual student work:
Level of study:
Second cycle study program Nursing
Subject specific competences:
The student:
- Critically examine the influence of current knowledge regarding the concept of frailty
- Review systematically a range of assessment tools that may assist in the detection of frailty to the benefit of the individual
- Critically evaluate the evidence underpinning approaches to managing frailty, identifying resources available to empower the frail older person and, where relevant, their significant other(s), with a view to preventing complications and improving perceived quality of life
- Discuss and analyse the effect of the transition from old age to frailty in the individual
- Systematically review current policies, government directives and standards of care on the care of frail older people in Europe
- Understanding difference of illness in adults and older adults
- Understanding difference of aging and illness in old age
- Understanding the chain of causes for disability in the elderly
- Comprehension of resolving needs of older patient
- Understanding critical situations of family member
- Comprehension of interventions for family
Mandatory and recommended references:
Mandatory references:
- British Geriatrics Society and Royal College of Physicians. Guidelines for the Prevention, Diagnosis and Management of Delirium in Older People. Concise guidance to good practice series No 6. London: Royal College of Physicians; 2006.
- Ebersole P, Hess P, Touhy T, Jett K. Gerontological Nursing and Healthy Aging, 2nd ed. Saint Louis: Mosby Elsevier; 2005.
- Ebersole P, Hess P, Touhy T, Jett K, Luggen A. Toward Healthy Aging: Human Needs and Nursing Response, 7th ed. St. Louis: Mosby; 2008.
- Foote C, Stanners C. Integrating Care for Older People: New Care for Old - A Systems Approach. London: Jessica Kingsley Publications; 2002.
- Jewell A (ed). Ageing, Spirituality and Well-being. London: Jessica Kingsley Publications; 2003.
- Lunder U (ed). Bolezni in sindromi v starosti 1. Ljubljana: Gerontološko društvo Slovenije; 2007.
- Mencej M (ed). Bolezni in sindromi v starosti 2. Ljubljana: Gerontološko društvo Slovenije; 2008.
- Kobentar R (ed). Psihiatrična zdravstvena nega. Zbornik predavanj funkcionalnega izobraževanja. Ljubljana: Psihiatrična klinika v Ljubljani in ZZNS, 1997: 62-6.
- Kane RL, Ouslander JG, Abrass IB, Kane R. Essentials of Clinical Geriatrics. McGraw-Hill; 2004.
- Rueben D. Geriatrics at Your Fingertips 2008-2009. New York: American Geriatrics Society; 2008.
- Štrukelj KB, Kogoj A, (eds). Gerontopsihiatrija-izziv sodobnega časa. 5. psihogeriatričo srečanje, Zreče, 11. in 12. april 2007. Ljubljana: Spominčica - Slovensko združenje za pomoč pri demenci; 2008.
- Velikonja I (ed). Zdravstveni, pravni in socialni vidiki obravnave oseb z demenco. 4. psihogeriatrično srečanje; 2005 mar 31 - apr 1; Lipica. Ljubljana: Spominčica - združenje za pomoč pri demenci, Psihiatrična klinika Ljubljana; 2005.
- Kogoj A (ed). Spomin. 3. psihogeriatrično srečanje; 2003 mar 13-14, Otočec. Ljubljana: Spominčica - Združenje za pomoč pri demenci, Psihiatrična klinika Ljubljana; 2003.
Recommended references:
Conditions for the inclusion in the study:
Fully completed study obligations of 1st and 2nd semesters.
Assessment methods:
- Select a case study from an area of practice. The case should be of a frail older person and should detail the circumstances that led to the individual accessing the service and the interventions used during this period. The student is expected to use relevant literature to highlight both areas of good care and areas of care that could have been improved. The conclusion should be reflective and state how the module has related to the student’s own personal and professional development. (Weighting 80%) – 25%
- Design a poster on an issue pertinent to aging. Students are expected to present this work to their tutors and peers. Each poster should be accompanied by an abstract. (Weighting 20%) – 25%
- Exam – 50%
Teaching methods:
Students are expected to develop self-organized learning skills. Group work approaches and problem-based learning are the main elements of teaching and learning.
Students will be included in many activities, such as lectures, meetings with student-tutors, discussions, group work and problem-based learning etc. They will have support from student-tutors, teacher tutors, and will have an opportunity to study on-line (e-library, e-books etc.).