
Mental Health


Clinical Module

Holder of subject:

Dr Mojca Zvezdana Dernovšek, Associate Professor

Education providers:

  • Dr Mojca Zvezdana Dernovšek, Associate Professor

Contact hours - lectures:


Contact hours - seminar:


Contact hours - exercises:


Individual student work:




Level of study:

Second cycle study program Nursing


Winter / Summer



Subject specific competences:

The student:

  • is aware of the interaction between genetic and environmental effects on mental health;
  • understands the expression of mental health from the biological, psychological and social perspectives;
  • understands mental functions;
  • understands disorders of mental functions and limitations of activities as a result of these disorders;
  • perceives psychiatric medical care as a humanistic science and an interdisciplinary field;
  • acquires the knowledge, skills and capabilities to apply the elements of contemporary psychiatric medical care into practice;
  • acquires the knowledge and capabilities to recognize patient needs regarding psychiatric medical care;
  • learns and acquires the skills to successfully manage therapeutic communication;
  • acquires specific knowledge regarding psychiatric medical care in order to provide high-quality services to patients with different types of mental health problems;
  • knows how to determine the role of psychiatric medical care as well as medical education in the context of prevention, illness management and rehabilitation;
  • acquires the knowledge and experiences regarding group work, participation in diagnostic therapeutic programs and solving of ethical dilemmas.

Mandatory and recommended references:

Mandatory references:

  • Aktualne vsebine s področja psihiatrije in psihiatrične zdravstvene nege v domačih in tujih strokovnih revijah, zbornikih itd.;
  • Od znotraj navzven. Vodič k samoobvladovanju manične depresije. Slovensko združenje za duševno zdravje – ŠENT. Ljubljana: Premier, 1997.
  • Priročnik psihiatrične zdravstvene nege in psihiatrije za medicinske sestre in zdravstvene tehnike. V : Kogovšek B (ur.), Kobentar R (ur.). Ljubljana: Psihiatrična klinika, 1999.
  • Mercer D, Mason T, McCann G. Forensic mental health care. Edinburgh, London, New York, Philadelphia, Sydney, Toronto: Churchil Livingstone, 2000.
  • Psihosocialna rehabilitacija. V: Švab V (ur.): Ljubljana: Slovensko združenje za duševno zdravje – Šent, 2005.
  • Stuart G W, Laraia MT. Principles and practise of psychiatric nursing. 8th ed. St. Louuis, London: Mosby, 2005.
  • Tomori M (ur.), Ziherl S (ur.). Psihiatrija. Ljubljana: Litterapicta, Medicinska fakulteta Univerze v Ljubljani, 1999.
  • Varcarolis E. Psychiatric nursing clinical guide: assesment tools and diagnosis. Philadelphia: W. B. Saunders Company, 2004.
  • Viceversa priročnik IV: Priporočila in smernice za uporabo posebnih varovalnih ukrepov v psihiatriji. Ljubljana, Slovenske psihiatrične publikacije, 2001.

Recommended references:

  • /

Conditions for the inclusion in the study:

Fully completed study obligations of 1st and 2nd semesters.

Assessment methods:

  • written examination – 50%,
  • submitted assignment – 50%.

Teaching methods:

Lectures, assignments and presentations, clinical exercises, individual consultations, individual work.