
Introduction to health promotion and working methods


Health Promotion

Holder of subject:

Dr Mojca Gabrijelčič Blenkuš, Assistant Professor

Education providers:

  • Dr Mojca Gabrijelčič Blenkuš, Assistant Professor
    • Dr Saška Roškar, Assistant Professor
    • Dr Eva Stergar, Senior Lecturer
    • Maja Bajt, MSc, Senior Lecturer
    • Dr Antonija Poplas Susič, Professor
    • Dr Petra Došenović Bonča, Assoc. Professor
    • Mitja Vrdelja, Lecturer
    • Dr Ivan Eržen, Professor
    • Dr Zalka Drglin, Senior Lecturer
    • Matej Vinko

Contact hours - lectures:


Contact hours - seminar:


Contact hours - other forms of study:


Individual student work:




Level of study:

Second Bologna cycle study program Health Promotion




  • Slovene/English
Subject specific competences:
  • are familiar with basic theoretical concepts of health promotion; 
  • know the difference between pathogenesy and solutogenesy in public health; 
  • understand differences between risk and protective factors for health and know how to define them;
  • are able to use basic methods in health promotion.

Mandatory and recommended references:






Mandatory references:

  • Naidoo J, Wills J. 2009. Foundations for health promotion, 3rd ed. Bailliere Tindall Elsevier.
  • WHO. 2009. Milestones in Health Promotion. Statements from Global Conferences.

Recommended references:

  • Antonovsky A. 1996. The salutogenic model as a theory to guide health promotion. Health Promotion International 11; 1: 11-18.
  • Buzeti T, Gabrijelčič Blenkuš M, Gruntar Činč M, Ivanuša M, Pečar J, Tomšič S, Truden Dobrin P, Vrabič Krek B, ur. 2011. Neenakosti v zdravju v Sloveniji. Ljubljana: Inštitut za varovanje zdravja RS.
  • Dahlgren G, Whitehead M. 1991. Policies and Strategies to Promote Social Equity in Health. Stockholm: Institute for Futures Studies.
  • Germov J. 2005. Theorising health. Major teoretical perspectives in health sociology. V: Second oppinion. An introduction to heahlth sociology, ur. John Germov, 28-50. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
  • Kamin T. 2006. Zdravje na barikadah: dileme promocije zdravja. Ljubljana, Fakulteta za družbene vede. 
  • Lindstroem B, Eriksson M. 2006. Contextualizing salutogenesis and Antonovsky in public health development. Health Promotion International, V21; 3: 238-244. 
  • McKee M, Suhrcke M, Nolte E, Lessof S, Figueras J, Duran A, Menabde N. 2009. Health systems, health and wealth: a European perspective. The Lancet; 373:349-51. 
  • McQueen DV, Kickbush I. 2007. Health modernity. The role of theory in health promotion.  Springer Science+Business Media, LLC.
  • Raphael D. 2010. Helth Promotion and quality of life in Canada. Essential readings. Canadian Scholars' Press Lct. 
  • Tones K, Green J. 2004. Heatlh Promotion. Planning and strategies. SAGE Publications Ltd.
  • WHO - World Health Organization. 1986. The Ottawa charter for health promotion. World Health Organization. 
  • WHO. 2014. Health in all policies. Helsinki statement - framework for coutry action. 8th global HP conference.
  • Wilkinson R, Pickett K. 2009. The spirit level. Why equality is better for everyone. London: Penguin Books.

Conditions for the inclusion in the study:

No conditions.

Assessment methods:

  • written examination – 100 %.

Teaching methods:

Lectures, group work, seminars, practical work.