Social inequalities in health and determinants of health
Health Promotion
Holder of subject:
Dr Špela Razpotnik, Assistant Professor
Education providers:
- Dr Špela Razpotnik, Assistant Professor
- Dr Katja Pesjak, Assistant Professor
Contact hours - lectures:
Contact hours - seminar:
Contact hours - other forms of study:
Individual student work:
Level of study:
Second Bologna cycle study program Health Promotion
Subject specific competences:
- will understand paradigms and concepts on health and disease;
- will be familiar with basic understanding of social inequalities of health, the causes for it, how they can be reduced and the challenges that such inequalities are posing to the societies;
- is familiar with the models of health determinants and therefore the key determinants of health
- will get familiar with some epidemiologic data;
- will get the insight into the Slovenian, European and global dimension of the health inequalities and health determinants;
- will understand the conection between social determinants and the situation of individual social groups;
- will know the approaches how to tackle health inequalities;
- will know the latest findings findings and recommendations of WHO regarding social inequalities.
Mandatory and recommended references:
Mandatory references:
- Buzeti T idr. (eds). Neenakosti v zdravju v Sloveniji. Ljubljana: Ministrstvo za zdravje, 2011.
- Brown C, Buzeti T (eds). Positioning health equity and the social determinants of health on the regional development agenda- Investment for health and development in Slovenia. Studies on social and economic determinants of populaton health, No. 6. Copenhagen: World Health Organization. Regional office for Europe, 2014. regional-development-agenda.pdf
- Whitehead M, Povall S, Loring B. The Equity Action Spectrum: Taking a comprehensive approach. Guidance for addressing inequities in health. Copenhagen: WHO European Regional Office for Europe, 2014. pdf_file/0005/247631/equity-action-090514.pdf
- Gabrijelčič Blenkuš M. Zagotavljanje večje enakosti v zdravju – izzivi recesije za javno zdravje in promocijo zdravja v Sloveniji; Poročilo z delavnice na Inštitutu za varovanje zdravja- Ljubljana: Inštitut za varovanje zdravja Republike Slovenije, 2009.
- Gabrijelčič Blenkuš et. al. Vsevladni pristop za zdravje in blaginjo prebivalcev in zmanjševanje neenakosti v zdravju. Ljubljana : Inštitut za varovanje zdravja Republike Slovenije, 2012
- Handbook on health inequality monitoring: with a special focus on low- and middle-income Countries. World Health Organization 2013.
- Review of social determinants and the health divide in the WHO European Region. Final report. WHO Europe, 2013. /3940/NCD_8-9-4__Review-of-social-determinants-and-the-health-divide-in-the- WHO-European-Region-final-report-Eng.pdf
- Report on health inequalities in the European Union. Brussels: European Comission, September 2013. report_healthinequalities_swd_2013_328_en.pdf
- Kamin T. Zdravje na barikadah: dileme promocije zdravja. Ljubljana: Fakulteta za družbene vede, 2006. Knjižna zbirka Psihologija vsakdanjega življenja. (izbrana poglavja).
- Edelman CL, Mandle CL, Kudzma EC. Health promotion throughout the life span [8th ed.]. Missouri, USA: Mosby; 2013.
Recommended references:
- IVZ. Zdravje v Sloveniji. Ljubljana: Inštitut za varovanje zdravja Republike Slovenije, , marec 2010
- Ule M. Spregledana razmerja: o družbenih vidikih sodobne medicine. Maribor: Aristej, 2003.
- Sočan, M. Javno zdravje : visokošolski učbenik za študijski program Zdravstvena nega-Jesenice : Visoka šola zdravstveno nego, 2013
- Report on health inequalities in the European Union. Brussels: European commission, 2013. report_healthinequalities_swd_2013_328_en.pdf
- World Health Organization. Closing the gap in a generation: health equity through action on the social determinants of health. Report from the Commission on Social Determinants of Health. Geneva: WHO; 2008.
- Buzeti T., Maučec Zakotnik J. Vlaganje za zdravje in razvoj v Sloveniji. Program MURA. Murska Sobota: Center za zdravje in razvoj Murska Sobota, 2008.
- Benach J; Malmusi D, Yasui Y, Martínez JM. A new typology of policies to tackle health inequalities and scenarios of impact based on Rose's population approach. J Epidemiol Community Health.2013 Mar; Vol. 67 (3), pp. 286-91. Date of Electronic Publication: 2012 Aug 17.
- Whitehead M. A typology of actions to tackle social inequalities in health. J Epidemiol Community Health. Jun 2007; 61(6): 473–478. doi: 10.1136/jech.2005.037242.
- Zurc J. Biti najboljši: pomen gibalne aktivnosti za otrokov razvoj in šolsko uspešnost. Radovljica: Didakta; 2008.
Conditions for the inclusion in the study:
Completed study obligation from the 1st study year, which are conditional for enrollment in the 2nd study year.
Assessment methods:
- written examination – 80 %,
- poster presentation – 20 %.
Teaching methods:
Lectures, group work, audiovisual aids, videos, online classroom, expert excursion, informative visit, other forms of study.