
Chronic patients and health


Health Promotion

Holder of subject:

Dr Antonija Poplas Susič, Professor

Education providers:

  • Dr Antonija Poplas Susič, Professor
  • Dr Saša Kadivec, Assistant Professor

Contact hours - lectures:


Contact hours - seminar:


Contact hours - other forms of study:


Individual student work:




Level of study:

Second Bologna cycle study program Health Promotion




Subject specific competences:
  • To know philosophy, models and organisation of continuous and integrated health care;
  • to know basic principles and ethical dimensions of of continuous and integrated health protection of chronic patients;
  • to know in details principles of meaning of continuous health care of chronic patient related to life quality of patient and his family;
  • to know in detailes issue of chronic diseases and their impact on social environment;
  • to know approaches to encourage partnership between patients and health care professionals;
  • to know integrated and multi-professional team approach in continuous health care;
  • to expand knowledge of continuous and integrated health care levels (receive, discharge, institutional care, long-term treatment…) and of different professional roles;
  • to expand knowledge of professional communication in the aspect of chronic patients health care;
  • to know about information systems that support health care tretament of chronic patients in continuous and integrated manner;
  • to know about importance of non-professional health care providers in continuous and integrated health care.
Mandatory and recommended references:

Mandatory recommended:

  • Harris M, Lloyd J. The role of Australian primary health care in the prevention of chronic disease. Australian National Preventive Health Agency; 2012.
  • Neuwelt P, Matheson D, Arroll B, Dowell A, Winnard D, Crampton P, Sheridan NF, Cumming J., Putting population health into practice through primary health care. New Zealand Medical Journal, 2009. 122(1290). 
  • Harris, M., tal., Development and early experience from an intervention to facilitate teamwork between general practices and allied health providers: the Team-link study. BMC Health Services Research, 2010. 10(1): p. 104.
  • Shih SC, McCyullough CM, Wang JJ, Singer J, Parsons AS., Health Information Systems in Small Practices: Improving the Delivery of Clinical Preventive Services. American Journal of Preventive Medicine, 2011. 41: p. 603-609.
  • Billings J, Leichsenring K, eds. Integrating healt and social care services for older person. Viena: Ashgate Publishing Limited; 2005. 
  • Ebersole P, Hess P, Theris T, Jett K. Gerontological nursing and healthy aging. 2nd ed. St. Luis: Elsevier Mosby; 2005.
  • Leichsenring K, Alaszewski AM, eds. Providing integrated health and social care for older persons. Vienna: Ashgate Publishing Limited; 2004.
  • Haber D. Health promotion and aging. Practical applications for health professionals. 3rd ed. New York: Springer publishing company; 2003.
  • Hinchliff S, Norman S, Schober J. Nursing practice and health care. 4th ed. London: Arnold; 2003.
  • Kendry MJ. What every case manager should know. Case Management 2004; 9:49-50.

Conditions for the inclusion in the study:

Finished all obligations on compulsary subjects in the 1st year.

Assessment methods:

  • written examination – 50 %,
  • seminar work – 50 %.

Teaching methods:

Lectures, workshop, discussion, seminar, group work, role playing.