
Health of children and adolescents


Health Promotion

Holder of subject:

Dr Helena Jeriček Klanšček, Assistant Professor

Education providers:

  • Dr Helena Jeriček Klanšček, Assistant Professor

Contact hours - lectures:


Contact hours - seminar:


Contact hours - other forms of study:


Individual student work:




Level of study:

Second Bologna cycle study program Health Promotion




Subject specific competences:


  • be able to apply theoretical knowledge to their work environment;
  • learn about the main health challenges in child and adolescent health;
  • learn about the main behavioural characteristics and lifestyle characteristics of children and adolescents;
  • learn about the main characteristics of health promotion in children and adolescents;
  • be able to recognise the characteristics of good health promotion programmes for children and adolescents.

Mandatory  and recommended references:

Mandatory references:

  • Edelman, C.L. in Mandle, C.L. (2006). Health Promotion: Throughout the life span [6th ed.]. Missouri: Mosby.
  • Marjanovič Umek L, Zupančič M (eds.). (2004). Razvojna psihologija (1. ed.). Ljubljana: Znanstvenoraziskovalni inštitut Filozofske fakultete.
  • Zurc, J. (2008). Biti najboljši: pomen gibalne aktivnosti za otrokov razvoj in šolsko uspešnost. Radovljica: Didakta.
  • Bergen S, Robertson R. (2012). Healthy Children, Healthy Lives: The Wellness Guide for Early Childhood Programs Paperback. St. Paul, Minnesota, ZDA: Redleaf Press. 
  • Perry D, Kaufmann R, Knitzer J (eds.) (2007). Social and Emotional Health in Early Childhood: Building Bridges Between Services and Systems (SCCMH). Baltimore, MD, ZDA: Brookes Publishing.
  • Odent, M. (2002), Primal Health: Understanding the Critical Period Between Conception and the First Birthday.East Sussex: Clareview Books.

Conditions for the inclusion in the study:

No conditions.

Assessment methods:

  • Written seminar paper and its oral presentation – 100 %.

Teaching methods:

Lectures, targeted reading and work at home, teamwork in the form of workshops, pair, team and individual assignments, watching videos.