
Communicable diseases in changing society


Health Care Sciences

Holder of subject:

Dr Maja Sočan, Associate Professor
Dr Irena Grmek Košnik, Assistant Professor

Education providers:

  • Dr Maja Sočan, Associate Professor
  • Dr Irena Grmek Košnik, Assistant Professor

Contact hours - lectures:


Contact hours - seminar:


Contact hours - exercises:


Individual student work:




Level of study:

Third cycle study program Health Care Sciences





Subject specific competences:


The student:

The objective of elective course is to systematically elucidate the current challenges 
of communicable diseases and illustrate inovative approaches to reduce the disease burden.
The expected competencies, developed by doctoral candidate are:
  • knowledge of modern surveillance methods of communicable diseases through the use of analytical tools;
  • integration, analysis and interpretation of data to create information for the general public and health care professionals;
  • the development of critical approach in relation to vaccination and immunization advocacy as an effective public health measure;
  • ability to support the rational use of antibiotics;
  • responding to the needs of vulnerable groups and the elderly.

Mandatory  and recommended references:






Mandatory references:

  • European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control, 2013. Long-term surveillance strategy 2014–2020. Stockholm: ECDC.
  • CDC, 2001. Updated Guidelines for Evaluating Public Health Surveillance Systems Recommendations from the Guidelines Working Group. MMWR Recommendations and Reports, 50(RR-13), pp. 1–35.
  • Jones, K.E., et al., 2008. Global trends in emerging infectious diseases. Nature, 451, pp: 990-993.
  • Jarrett, C., et al., 2015. The SAGE Working Group on Vaccine Hesitancy Strategies for addressing vaccine hesitancy – a systematic review. Vaccine, 33, pp. 4180-90.
  • World Health Organization, 2001. WHO Global Strategy for Containment of Antimicrobial Resistance. Geneva: WHO.
  • European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control, 2014. Assessing the burden of key infectious diseases affecting migrant populations in the EU/EEA. Stockholm: ECDC.

Conditions for the inclusion in the study:


Assessment methods:

  • written exam - 80%
  • seminar - 10%
  • finalized project work - 10%

Teaching methods:

Lectures; seminars; short assignments oriented to problem solving.