Subject specific competences:
- understands the meaning of therapeutic relationship between nurse and patient;
- defines goal-oriented communication with patients;
- recognizes the basic parts of contact culture or codes of behavior in formal writing and speaking;
- becomes familiar with basic elements of successful one-way and two-way communication;
- learns about communication strategies with specific patient groups;
- recognizes the meaning of communication as treatment;
- learns about terms such as empathy, compassion, and trust;
- recognizes the meaning of persons who offer help;
- gains knowledge about communication strategies based on mediation of messages and on building a relationship;
- learns about transactional analysis, its types and applicability in health care;
- recognizes the causes of conflicts in the field of transaction analysis and methods of their solution (the need for attentiveness, methods of manipulation, the disclosure of dissatisfaction, the awareness of feelings and communicational defense);
- learns about the concept of assertiveness;
- learns about the meaning of constructive feedback;
- learns various communication styles (“I” and “you” messages, “sandwich” messages, the influence of commendation and critique, active listening);
- gains knowledge about taboo topics regarding treatment of patients;
- recognizes the importance of retaining patients’ self-image and dignity;
- learns the types of empathic communication;
- learns about relationship types among health care personnel;
- becomes familiar with group dynamics and team development;
- learns about power relations of health care personnel to the patient, his/her resistance and the “spiral of silence”;
- learns about the concept of intercultural communication;
- learns about various strategies of confronting with stress
Mandatory and recommended references:
Mandatory references:
- Prebil A, Mohar P, Drobne J. Komunikacija v zdravstvu. Celje: Celjska Mohorjeva družba; 2009
- Triler A, Prebil A, Filej B. Asertivno komuniciranje v zdravstveni negi. In: Bobnar A, Vettorazzi R, Bauer M, Godič Torkar K, Kvas A, Lipovec V, et al., eds. Partnerstvo, znanje in razvoj na zdravstvenem področju : zbornik predavanj z recenzijo 2. študentske konference s področja zdravstvenih ved. 2010 Junij 8; Ljubljana, Slovenija. Ljubljana: Zdravstvena fakulteta; 2010: 31-8.
- Prebil A. Terapevtska komunikacija v zdravstveni negi. In: Skela Savič B, Kaučič BM, Filej B, Skinder Savić K, Mežik Veber M, Romih K, et al., eds. Teoretične in praktične osnove zdravstvene nege: izbrana poglavja. Jesenice: Visoka šola za zdravstveno nego Jesenice; 2010: 63 -71.
- Rungapadiachy DM. Medosebna komunikacija v zdravstvu. Ljubljana: Educy; 2003.
- Zupan N, Hočevar N. Osebna odličnost v zdravstvu. Jesenice: Visoka šola za zdravstveno nego Jesenice; 2010.
- Flajs N. Bonton na delovnem mestu: zbornik predavanja: seminar za medicinske sestre in zdravstvene tehnike. Maribor: Društvo medicinskih sester in zdravstvenih tehnikov Maribor; 2003.
- Harris TA. Jaz sem v redu-ti si v redu. Ljubljana: Karantanija; 2007.
- Kobolt A. Metode in tehnike supervizije. Ljubljana: Pedagoška fakulteta; 2004.
Recommended references:
- Candlin S. Therapeutic Communication. A lifespan approach. Australia: Pearson; 2008.
- McCabe C, Timmins F. Communication Skills for Nursing Practice. New York: Palgrave MacMillan; 2006.
- Lynch L, Hancox K, Happell B, Parker J. Clinical Supervision for Nurses. UK: Blackwell Publishing; 2008.
- Northouse PG. Health communication: strategies for health professionals. Stamford : Appleton & Lange; 1998.
- Ule M. Spregledana razmerja. Maribor: Aristej; 2003.
- Ule M. Psihologija komuniciranja. Ljubljana: Fakulteta za družbene vede; 2005.
- Zupančič Z, Zupančič AA. Učinkovito sporazumevanje. Ljubljana: Šola retorike Ane Aleksandre Zupančič in Zdravka Zupančiča; 2008.
- Reynolds W, Scott PA, Austin W. Nursing, empathy and perception of the moral. J Adv Nurs 2000; 32(1): 235 – 42.
- Morse MJ, Bottorff J, Anderson G, O`Brien B, Solberg, S. Beyond empathy: expanding expressions of caring. J Adv Nurs 2006; 17: 809 – 21.
- Van der Cingel M. Compassion and professional care: exploring the domain. Nursing Philosophy 2009; 10: 124 – 36.
- Misch AD, Peloquin MS. Developing Empathy through Confluent Education. Journal of Physical Therapy Education 2005; 19(3): 41 – 51.