Women`s Health Nursing Care with Gynecology and Obstetric


Nursing Care



Contact hours – lectures:


Contact hours – seminar:


Contact hours – clinical exercises:


Contact hours – clinical practice:


Holder of subject:

Jožica Ramšak Pajk, MSc, Senior Lecturer

Year of study:


Gynecology and Obstetric

Contact hours – lectures:


Contact hours – seminar:


Contact hours – clinical exercises:


Contact hours – clinical practice:


Holder of subject:

Jožica Ramšak Pajk, MSc, Senior Lecturer

Education providers:

  • Dr Marko Lavrič, Professor

Level of study:

First Bologna cycle professional education study program





Subject specific competences:

The student:

The course helps students develop the following general and specific competences:

  • consideration of professional ethics and legislative framework in conducting clinical practice, awareness of and application of moral and ethical principles;
  • ability to implement nursing interventions in an individual or a group independently, comprehensively, and with due care and sensitivity, without passing judgments and by ensuring/protecting the rights of individuals, exercising trust and taking the wishes of specific groups into consideration;
  • ability to use different research methods, procedures and processes, the development of critical and self-critical reflection;
  • ability to apply IT skills and use IT systems in different professional areas of work;
  • ability to assume responsibility for one's work;
  • ability to assume responsibility for professional development, learning, and self-improvement through evaluation in order to assure the highest quality of service provision;
  • ability to act as an educator and mentor;
  • consideration of professional ethics and legislative framework in conducting clinical practice, awareness and application of moral and ethical principles;
  • ability to educate the healthy and ill populations, the society as a whole as well as specific groups and individuals about the importance of health maintenance and wellbeing;
  • ability to recognize and follow specific rules, responsibilities and functions in nursing care, and the ability to modify these rules to fit patient's needs;
  • ability to modify patient treatment comprehensively and systematically according to the relevant, physical, social, cultural, psychological, and spiritual factors;
  • ability to recognize and interpret signs of normal health and changes in health (making nursing diagnoses);
  • planning, implementation, and evaluation of individual nursing programs in cooperation with patients, caregivers, family members, and other persons;
  • ability to observe quality standards and at the same time provide critical assessments, interpret and combine given information, and assist patients in decision making;
  • ability to respect the dignity, privacy, and information confidentiality of patients;
  • ability to implement protective measures to prevent transmission of infections;
  • ability to provide first aid when required;
  • knowledge of safe documentation methods of medical and other therapies;
  • familiarity with nursing care interventions in gynecology and obstetrics, and the ability to apply theoretical knowledge in the clinical setting;
  • familiarity with basic knowledge and skills in gynecology and obstetrics, and their practical application;
  • ability to present patient's future condition appropriately in order to prevent wrong actions;
  • ability to recognize psychological conditions such as fear, stress, and depression, offering emotional support and providing counselling.

Mandatory and recommended references:

Mandatory references:

  • Arko D, Borko E, Breznik R, But I, Rakovec Felser Z, Gavrič Lovrec V, et al. Ginekologija. Maribor: Visoka zdravstvena šola; 2006.
  • Pajntnar, Ž. Novak-Antolič. Nosečnost in vodenje poroda. Ljubljana: Cankarjeva založba, 2001.
  • Kurjak, A. Ginekologija i perinatologija (izbrana poglavja). Varaždin: Golden Time, 1995.

Recommended references:

  • Meden-Vrtovec, H. Neplodnost. Ljubljana: Cankarjeva založba, 1989.
  • All recommended literature at lectures
  • Notes of lectures
  • Selected articles from home and foreign literature.

Study obligations:

Prerequisite for the exam:
  • 30% attendance at lectures

Assessment methods:

  • written examination (100%)