Palliative Care


Nursing Care



Contact hours – lectures:


Contact hours – seminar:


Contact hours – clinical exercises:


Contact hours – clinical practice:


Holder of subject:

Marjana Bernot, Lecturer

Education providers:

  • Marjana Bernot, Lecturer 
  • Jernej Benedik, Lecturer
  • Dr Anja Simonič, Senior Lecturer
  • Judita Slak, Assistant

Level of study:

First Bologna cycle professional education study program





Subject specific competences:

The student:

  • Becomes familiar with issues of advanced chronic diseases and with the impact on societal environment;
  • Becomes familiar with the development of palliative care and nursing with the specialities of the professional field in end of life care;
  • Becomes knowledgable with the principles of palliative care;
  • Becomes familiar with the basic field of activities and the role of a nurse in palliative care in the primary, secondary and terciary level, and the roels of other team members in the interdisciplinary team approach;
  • Learns an effective assessment and planning of the treatment, according to the patients’ and their families’ goals and expectations.
  • Learns the assessment and treatment options for the most frequent physical symptoms at the end of life: pain, dispnea, nausea/vomiting and delirium;
  • Learns and understands the assessment of psycho-social and spiritual needs and planning the treatment activities;
  • Becomes familiar with the holistic multidisciplinary approach to the palliative care, and the meaning of ongoing education of patients and their families;
  • Recognizes and supports the process of dying;
  • Recognizes the importance of the NGOs and the importance of volunteers in palliative care;
  • Cares for self and maintaines psycho-physical and spiritual condition in working with patients with advanced chronic diseases.
  • Learns the communication skills with patients and families in palliative care;
  • Learns the skills of functional status of patients and the estimation of the prognosis;
  • Learns the skills of leading the family meeting;
  • Learns the skills of leading the interdisciplinary meetings;
  • Learns to present the patients, with the holistic assessement of their problems in the multidisciplinary communication.

Mandatory and recommended references:

Mandatory references:

  • Lunder U. Some successful models of palliative care in the world. In: Krcevski-Skvarč N, eds. 6. seminar o bolečini: zbornik predavanj;  2002 Jun. 7. – 8; Maribor, Slovenija. Maribor: Splošna bolnišnica Maribor: 2002: 185-93.
  • Lunder U, Logar V. Palliative care and its role in health care systems. Zdravstveni vestnik 2003; 72: 639-42.
  • Lunder U. Paliativna oskrba v Sloveniji in izzivi za prihodnost. Zdrav vest 2003; 72:613-65.
  • Woodruff R. Palliative medicine. Evidence – based symptomatic and supportive care for patients with advanced cancer. 4th ed. Oxford; New York: Oxford University Press; 2004.
  • Ellershaw J, Wilkinson S. Care of the dying: A pathway to excellence. Oxford; New York: Oxford University Press; 2003.
  • Samson Katz J, Peace S. End of life in care homes. Oxford; New York: Oxford University Press; 2003.
  • Ferrell B, Coyle N .Textbook of palliative nursing. 2nd ed. Oxford; New York: Oxford University Press; 2006.
  • Campbell ML. Nurse to Nurse: Palliative care. McGraw-Hill Professional; 2008.
  • Skela Savič B. Od besed k dejanju: Zdravstvena nega kot integralni del paliativne oskrbe. Obz Zrav Nege 2005; 39(4): 245-53.
  • WHO. Better palliative care for older people. WHO Regional office for Europe; Copenhagen; 2004.
  • WHO. Palliative care. WHO Regional office for Europe; Copenhagen; 2004.
  • Muray CLJ, Lopez, AD. Alternative projections of mortality and disability by causes 1990-2020: Global od disease study. Lancet; 1997: 349: 1498-504.

Recommended references:

  • European Journal of Palliative Care
  • The Journal of the European Association for Palliative Care

Study obligations:

  • 100% obligatory attendance at seminars
  • seminar work

Assessment methods:

  • written examination (80%)
  • seminar work (20%)