
EU-PROJECT: Support for the definition of core competences for healthcare assistants (CC4HCA)

Več o projektu

Trajanje projekta: 2015 - 2016

Nosilec projekta: NIVEL

Partnerji projekta: Catholic University Leuven, Chamber of Hungarian Health Care Professionals

Odgovorna oseba: izr. prof. dr. Brigita Skela Savič

Kratek opis projekta

Projektne aktivnosti

EU-PROJECT: Support for the definition of core competences for healthcare assistants (CC4HCA)

Pilot network and knowledge-database on the education, regulation and employment situation of persons working within healthcare with a qualification below the standard of registered nurses defined by the EU Directive 2005/36/E

FZJ sodeluje v raziskavi 'Study on the support for the definition of core competences of healthcare assistants (CC4HCA)'. Raziskava je financirana s strani Evropske Unije in temelji na ugotovitvah obširnega evropskega projekta: Creating a pilot network of nurse educators and regulators (SANCO/1/2009), ki se je zaključil leta 2013.

Povezava na spletno stran projekta.


Več o projektu