doc. dr. Ivica Avberšek Lužnik

Avberšek Lužnik Ivica Email:
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Nosilec predmetov na I. stopnji

Biokemija in biofizika

Kratek življenjepis

Doc. dr. Ivica Avberšek-Lužnik je leta 1981 je končala univerzitetni študij farmacije na Fakulteti za farmacijo, Univerza v Ljubljani. Magistrirala je leta 1992 z magistrskim delom Izoencimi alkalne fosfataze. Leta 1994 je opravila specialistični izpit iz klinične biokemije in od jeseni 1994 do avgusta 2020 vodila Oddelek za laboratorijsko diagnostiko v Splošni bolnišnici Jesenice. V letu 2004 je uspešno zagovarjala doktorsko disertacijo z naslovom Vloga, pomen in diagnostična uporabnost osteoprotegerina pri ledvični osteodistrofiji. Bila je članica Republiškega strokovnega kolegija za laboratorijsko diagnostiko in aktivna članica Slovenskega združenja za klinično kemijo in laboratorijsko medicino. Od leta 2006 do leta 2015 je bila predsednica Zbornice laboratorijske medicine Slovenije. Svoje pedagoško delo je začela leta 1996 kot asistentka za področje klinične kemije in biokemije na Fakulteti za farmacijo.   Od oktobra 2007 do avgusta 2020  je bila  dopolnilno zaposlena na Fakulteti za zdravstvo Angele Boškin kot nosilka predmeta Biokemija in biofizika. Poleg pedagoškega dela je bila  na fakulteti aktivna tudi kot predstojnica katedre za temeljne vede, kot predsednica Upravnega odbora, članica senata, članica različnih komisij in odborov. 

Curriculum Vitae

Assistant professor, dr. Ivica Avberšek-Lužnik completed her graduate degree in pharmacy in 1981 at the Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Ljubljana. She received her master's degree in 1992 with a master's thesis titled ‘Alkaline Phosphatase Isoenzymes’. In 1994, she completed the specialist training programme in clinical biochemistry. In 2004, she successfully defended her doctoral dissertation titled ‘The role, importance and diagnostic utility of osteoprotegerin in renal osteodystrophy’. She headed the Department of Laboratory Diagnostics at the Jesenice General Hospital from the autumn of 1994 to August 2020. She was a member of the National Professional College for Laboratory Diagnostics and an active member of the Slovenian Association for Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine. From 2006 to 2015 she was the President of the Chamber of Laboratory Medicine of Slovenia. She started her pedagogical work in 1996 as an assistant in the field of clinical chemistry and biochemistry at the Faculty of Pharmacy in Ljubljana. From October 2007 to August 2020, she worked part-time at the Faculty of Health Angela Boškin as a lecturer in Biochemistry and Biophysics. In addition to her pedagogical work, she also served at the Faculty as the Head of the Department of Basic Sciences, the President of the Board of Directors, a member of the Senate, and a member of various commissions and committees.
