Rok Leban, asis.


Kratek življenjepis

Rok Leban se je po zaključeni gimnaziji izobraževal na Medicinski fakulteti v Ljubljani, kjer je diplomiral leta 2016. Opravil je specializacijo splošne kirurgije. Dela na travmatološkem oddelku v Splošni bolnišnici Jesenice in kot pogodbeni pripadnik rezervne sestave sodeluje v Vojaški zdravstveni enoti SV. Rad hodi v gore.

Curriculum Vitae

After finishing high school Rok Leban studied medicine at the Faculty of Medicine at the University of Ljubljana, where he graduated in 2016. He specialised in general surgery. He practises as surgen at Traumatology department of Jesenice General Hospital. As a member of military reserve force he participates in Military Medical Unit of Slovenian Army. He likes hiking.
