Potočnik Jure
Jure Potočnik, dr. med., asis.

Kratek življenjepis
Jure Potočnik je diplomant Medicinske fakultete univerze v Mariboru, ki trenutno opravlja specializacijo iz nevrologije. Že med študijem je sodeloval pri predmetu anatomija kot demonstrator na vajah, bil je član večih projektov v sklopu obštudijskih dejavnosti, med drugim tudi poučevanja prve pomoči laikov ter se udeležil humanitarno-medicinske odprave v Ugandi. Rad se ukvarja s športom, obiskuje koncerte in uživa v dobrih filmih.
Curriculum Vitae
Jure Potočnik has finished his medical studies at a Medical Faculty University of Maribor and is currently a neurology resident. During his studies he assisted the anatomy course by demonstrating at practical exercises. He also participated in different projects and extra-curricular activities including basic life support workshops and a medical expedition to Uganda. In his spare time he likes to do sports, visits concerts and enjoys a good movie every now and then.