Šestan Nevenka
doc. dr. Nevenka Šestan
Email: nevenka.sestan@gmail.comGovorilne ure: Po dogovoru
Kratek življenjepis
Doc. dr. Nevenka Šestan, univ. dipl. org., je svetovalka in glavna medicinska sestra Kliničnega inštituta za medicino dela, prometa in športa, Univerzitetnega kliničnega centra Ljubljana. Diplomirala je na Visoki šoli za zdravstvo v Ljubljani. Znanstveni magisterij je zaključila na Fakulteti za organizacijske vede v Kranju, Univerze v Mariboru iz managementa delovnih procesov z naslovom » Model ugotavljanja povezav med bolniškim staležem in boleznimi mišično skeletnega sistema«. Doktorirala je na temo »Razvoja modela ocene tveganja voznikov s psihofizičnimi omejitvami pri nastanku prometnih incidentov«. Na Filozofski fakulteti v Ljubljani je opravila izobraževanje za mentorje praktičnega usposabljanja študentov na I in II. stopnji.
Kot višja predavateljica je bila habilitirana od leta 2014 na Zdravstveni fakulteti, Univerze v Ljubljani. Aprila 2019 je bila na Fakulteti za zdravstvo Angele Boškin na Jesenicah izvoljena v naziv docentke za področje promocije zdravja. Je mentorica/somentorica študentom na dodiplomskem in podiplomskem študiju. Pri Slovenskem združenju za kakovost in odličnost si je pridobila certifikat za Menedžerja sistemov kakovosti po EOQ shemi.
Poleg tega je aktivna na različnih področjih, pri Zbornici zdravstvene in babiške nege je bila dva mandata predsednica strokovne sekcije medicinskih sester in zdravstvenih tehnikov iz medicine dela, prometa in športa, sodelovala je v delovnih skupinah (za pripravo programa specializacij, specialna znanja …). Od maja 2010 je aktivna članica Evropskega združenja medicinskih sester iz področja medicine dela – FOHNEU (Federation of Occupation Health Nurses within the European Union. Bila je tudi predsednica Strateškega sveta za zdravstveno in babiško nego pri Ministrstvu za zdravje RS in članica različnih delovnih skupin na področju zdravstva. V letih 2008 do 2011 je aktivno sodelovala pri Evropskem projektu »Čili za delo« in pri izdaji učbenika za Promocijo zdravja pri delu, je tudi nosilka treh terciarno raziskovalnih projektov v UKC Ljubljana.
Curriculum Vitae
Nevenka Šestan is a consultant and head nurse at the Institute of Occupational, Traffic, and Sports Medicine of the Ljubljana University Medical Center. She received her bachelor’s degree at the Ljubljana University College of Healthcare and earned her master’s degree in workflow management at the University of Maribor’s Faculty of Organizational Sciences in Kranj with a thesis on the relation between sick leave and musculoskeletal diseases. She earned her doctorate with a dissertation on assessing traffic-accident risks for psychologically and physically impaired drivers. At the Ljubljana Faculty of Arts, she completed a training program for on-the-job training mentors for bachelor’s and master’s students.
In 2014, she was appointed to the rank of senior lecturer at the University of Ljubljana’s Faculty of Health Sciences, and in April 2019 she was appointed an assistant professor for health promotion at the Angela Boškin Faculty of Health Care in Jesenice. She serves as a thesis advisor and co-advisor for undergraduate and graduate students. She obtained an EOQ Quality Systems Manager certificate from the Slovenian Association for Quality and Excellence.
In addition, she is involved in a variety of areas; among other things, she served two terms as the chair of the section for occupational, traffic, and sports medicine nurses at the Slovenian Chamber of Nursing and Midwifery, she chaired the Strategic Council for Nursing and Midwifery at the Slovenian Ministry of Health, and she has been a member of various healthcare-related working groups (e.g., for developing the residency program, providing specialist expertise, and so on). Since May 2010, she has been an active member of the Federation of Occupational Health Nurses within the European Union. From 2008 to 2011, she was actively involved in the EU project “Čili za delo” (Fit for Work) and the publication of a textbook on occupational health promotion. She is also the head of three tertiary care research projects at the Ljubljana University Medical Center.