Naslov predmeta:

Teorija in praksa zdravstvene nege

Nosilec predmeta:

izr. prof. dr. Fiona Murphy

Izvajalec predmeta:

  • izr. prof. dr. Fiona Murphy
  • mag. Jožica Ramšak Pajk, višja predavateljica

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Bolonjski magistrski študij




Angleški in slovenski

Cilji in predmetno
specifične kompetence:

Namen predmeta je spodbuditi študente k boljšemu razumevanju o potrebi po teoretični osnovi v zdravstveni negi. Študenti bodo preučevali, katere teorije, modeli in koncepti zdravstvene nege obstajajo in kako se jih lahko uporabi v praksi. Zato bodo specifične teorije kritično analizirane in predmet razprave ter se bodo odražale v praksi zdravstvene nege.

Obvezna literatura:

  • McKenna HP, Pajnkihar M, Murphy FA. Fundamentals of Nursing Models, Theories and Practice. 2nd ed.Oxford: Wiley Blackwell; 2014.

Other relevant texts:

  • Part 1-developing theoretical foundations for nursing
  • Fawcett J. Middle-range nursing theories are necessary for the advancement of the discipline. Aquichan. 2005;5(1):32-43. Dostopno na:
  • Meleis AI. Theoretical Nursing. Development and Progress. 5th ed. Philadelphia: Wolters Kuwer/Lippincott Williams & Wilkins; 2012.
  • Swanson KM. Empirical development of a middle range theory of caring. Nurs Research. 1991;40(3):161-6.
  • White J. Patterns of Knowing: Review, Critique, and Update. Adv Nurs Sci. 1995;17(4):73-86.
  • Marriner Tomey A, Alligood Raile M, eds. Nursing theorists and their work. 6th ed. St. Louis, London: Elsevier Mosby; 2006.
  • Roper N, Logan WW, Tierney AJ. The Roper-Logan-Tierney model of nursing: based on activities of living. Edinburgh: Churchill Livingstone; 2005.


Priporočljiva literatura:

  • Edwards S. The Idea of Nursing Science. J Adv Nurs. 1999;29(3):563-9.
  • Part 2-Formal conceptualisations of nursing
  • Fawcett J. The State of Nursing Science: Hallmarks of the 20th and 21st Centuries. Nurs Sci Q. 1999;12(4):311-8.
  • King I. King’s Theory of Goal Attainment. Nurs Sci Q. 1992;5(1):19-26.
  • Leininger M. Culture Care theory, Research, and Practice. Nurs Sci Q. 1996:(2):71-8.
  • Murphy F, Williams A, Pridmore J. Nursing models and their relevance to contemporary nursing practice 1: their development, uses and limitation. Nursing Times. 2010;106(23):18-20.
  • Pridmore J, Murphy F, Williams A. Nursing models and their relevance to contemporary nursing practice 2: articulating the nursing contribution. Nursing Times. 2010;106(24):22-5.
  • Neuman B. The Neuman Systems Model: Reflections and Projections. Nurs Sci Q. 1997;10(1):18-21.
  • Rizzo Parse R. Human Becoming: Parse’s Theory of Nursing. Nurs Sci Q. 1992;5(1):35-42.
  • Rizzo Parse R. The Humanbecoming Modes of Inquiry: Refinements. Nurs Sci Q. 2011;24(1):11-5.
  • Peplau H. Peplau's Theory of Interpersonal Relations. Nurs Sci Q. 1997;10(4):162-7.
  • Roy C. Adaptation: A Conceptual Framework for Nursing. Nurs Outlook. 1970;18(3):42-5.
  • Roy C. Future of the Roy model: Challenge to Redefine Adaptation. Nurs Sci Q. 1997;10(1):42-8.
  • Tierney A. Nursing models: extant or extinct? J Adv Nurs. 1998;28(1):77-85.
  • Watson J. The Theory of Human Caring: Retrospective and Prospective. Nurs Sci Q. 1997;10(1):49-52.
  • Part 3-Alterantives and future directions
  • Benner P. From Novice to Expert: Excellence and Power in Clinical Nursing Practice. Menlo Park [etc.] : Addison-Wesley, cop. 1984: 13-38.
  • Butts JB, Rich KL, Fawcett J. The Future of Nursing: How Important is Discipline-Specific Knowledge? A Conversation with Jacqueline Fawcett. Nurs Sci Q. 2012;25(2):151-4.
  • Rycroft-Malone J, Seers K, Titchen A, Harvey G, Kitson A, McCormack B. What counts as evidence in evidence-based practice? J Adv Nurs. 200;47(1):81–90.
  • Schön D. The Reflective Practitioner. Basic Books; 1982.
  • Schön D. The crisis of professional knowledge and the pursuit of an epistemology of practice. J Interprof Care. 1992;6(1):49-63.
  • Reed P. The Practice Turn in Nursing Epistemology. Nurs Sci Q. 2006;19(1):36-8.
  • Rolfe G. Nursing Praxis and the Science of the Unique. Nurs Sci Q. 2006;19(1):39-43.
  • Watson J. What, may I ask is happening to nursing knowledge and professional practices? What is nursing thinking at this turn in human history? J Clin Nurs. 2005;14:913–4.


  • Journal of Advanced Nursing
  • Nursing Science Quarterly
  • International Nursing Review
  • Journal of Clinical Nursing

Ostala literatura priporočena v branje:

  • Carper B. Fundamental Patterns of Knowing in Nursing. Adv Nurs Sci. 1978;1(1):13-23.
  • Chinn PL, Kramer MK. Theory and nursing: integrated knowledge development. 5th ed. St. Louis, London: Mosby; 1999.
  • George JB, ed. Nusing Theories. The Base for Professional Nursing Practice. 4th ed. Norwalk, Connecticut: Appleton & Lange; 1995.
  • Hartweg DL. Dorothea Orem: self-care deficit theory. (Notes on nursing theories 4). Newbury Park, Calif.: Sage Publ; 1991.
  • Nightingale F. Notes on Nursing: What it is and What it is not. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.; 1859: Preface, table of contents: 5-8.
  • Henderson V. The Nature of Nursing. A Definition and Its Implications for Practice, Research, and Education. London: The MacMillan Company; 1966:6-23.
  • King IM, Fawcett J, eds. The language of nursing theory and metatheory. 3rd ed. Indianapolis: Sigma theta Tau International; 2001.
  • King IM. Curriculum and instruction in nursing: concepts and process. Norwalk: Appleton-Century-Crofts; 1986.
  • Leininger M. Transcultural Nursing. New York [etc.]: McGraw-Hill, Medical Pub. Division, cop; 2002.
  • Levine M. Introduction to Clinical Nursing. Philadelphia: Davis; 1969.
  • MacLaughlin Renpenning K, Taylor SG, eds. Self-Care Theory in Nursing: Selected Papers of Dorothea Orem. New York: Springer; 2003.
  • Marriner Tomey A, Alligood Raile M, eds. Nursing theorists and their work. 6th ed. St. Louis, London: Elsevier Mosby; 2006.
  • Orem DE. Nursing: concepts of practice. 6th ed. (With a contributed chapter by Susan G. Taylor and Kathie McLaughlin Renpenning). St. Louis, London: Mosby; 2001.
  • Parker M, ed. Nursing Theories and Nursing Practice. Philadelphia: F. A. Davis Company; 2001.
  • Reed PG, Shearer NC, Nicoll LH, eds. Perspectives on Nursing Theory. 4th ed. Philadelphia [etc.]: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins; 2004.
  • Roper N, Logan WW, Tierney AJ. The Roper-Logan-Tierney model of nursing: based on activities of living. Reprinted. Edinburgh: Churchill Livingstone; 2005.
  • Schmieding NJ. Ida Jean Orlando: a nursing process theory. (Notes on nursing theories 12). Newbury Park, Calif.: Sage Publ.; 1993.


Pogoji za vključitev v delo
oziroma za opravljanje
študijskih obveznosti:

Temeljna literatura:
Murphy F, Smith C, eds. Major Works: Nursing Theories and Models. Volumes 1,2,3. London: Sage; 2013.

McKenna HP, Pajnkihar M, Murphy FA. Fundamentals of Nursing Models, Theories and Practice. 2nd ed. Chichester: Wiley Blackwell, cop. 2014.


Metode ocenjevanja:

Način (pisni izpit, ustno izpraševanje, naloge, projekt):
  • raziskovalna naloga (aplikativni projekt, pregledni članek, temeljni projekt) - 50%
  • pisni izpit - 50%

Metode poučevanja in učenja:

Uporaba avdiovizualne opreme za teoretične predstavitve med predavanji, kratek film, analiza literature v malih delovnih skupinah usmerjena na problemsko učenje, predpisano branje in domače naloge, nastop in poročanje pri predstavitvi seminarske naloge, razprave.