ISTEW project meeting at CNJ
College of Nursing Jesenice (CNJ) is a partner in the international research-development project “Improvement Science Training for European Healthcare Workers” (ISTEW), founded by EU Lifelong Learning Programme. Project started in October 1st 2013 and will last till September 30th 2015. Seven partners from six EU countries are included in the ISTEW project:
- University of the West of Scotland, Great Britain,
- Coventry University, Great Britain,
- University of Economics and Innovation, Lublin, Poland,
- University of Medicine and Pharmacy “Gr. T. Popa”, Romania,
- University of Alicante, Spain; Sapienza University of Rome, Italy,
- College of Nursing Jesenice, Slovenia.
CNJ is a leader of the Workpackage 3, which is dedicated to development of clear definition of »Healthcare Improvement Science« (HIS). As part of WP3 three day event will be carried out in the Hotel Astoria Bled, Slovenia, between 9th and 11th June 2014. The purpose of the ISTEW project meeting in Slovenia is overview and reporting of partners about the project work during the last 9 months through all 12 workpackes; and agreement between partners about further activities inside each workpackage. ISTEW project meeting will conclude on Wednesday, June 11th 2016, with the CNJ International Day, where the ISTEW partners will be joined the guests and visiting professors from EU and USA, who will participate on the 7th scientific international conference.
Programme of the event
Link to the ISTEW project officinal website:
Link to the ISTEW project methodology description: