
International accreditation obtained for two study programs: bachelor’s and master’s degree program Nursing Care

On May 7th, 2015, the Faculty of Health Care Jesenice (FHCJ) obtained international accreditation for study programs Nursing Care (BSN) and Nursing Care (MSN/2 years) awarded by the German agency AHPGS (Accreditation Agency for Study Programs in Health and Social Sciences). Since 2004, the AHPGS has been a member of the ECA (European Consortium for Accreditation in Higher Education), later followed by membership in the ENQA (European Association for Quality Assurance in Higher Education) in 2006, membership in the INQAAHE (International Network for Quality Assurance Agencies in Higher Education) in 2009, and membership in the ENQA Network of Central and Eastern European Quality Assurance Agencies in Higher Education in 2012. In addition, the AHPGS has also been included in the EQAR (European Quality Assurance Register for Higher Education).
Activities for obtaining international accreditation at the FHCJ began in January 2014 and culminated in February 2015 with a two-day visit froman expert committeewhich conducted an in-depth evaluation. They assessed all aspects of work conducted at the FHCJ with the purpose of international evaluation and granting accreditation for bachelor’s program Nursing Care (BSN) and master’s program Nursing Care (MSN). The committee consisted of nursing experts which presented a unique opportunity for exchanging experience and best practice examples, and for discussingnursing issues at the EU level. All areas of accreditation were assessed for both programs, including study program modularization, study program aims, learning outcomes, curriculum structure, areas covered by instructors and assistants, provision of resources, study program admission and progression, student satisfaction levels and total quality management system. Both international certificates obtained are valid until 2020.
The final reports provided by the AHPGS for the bachelor’s and master’s degree Nursing Care programs confirmed that the FHCJ is internationally comparable and has a strong focus on development. Moreover, opportunities for improvements were recognized both with FHCJ and with the legal framework of the Republic of Slovenia. The project was coordinated by the Head of Center for Quality and Evaluation, Ms. Sedina Kalender Smajlović, MSN, Lecturer.
We would like to take this opportunity to thank all those who participated in the process of preparing documentation and who helped in the implementation of the evaluation. We are looking forward to new challenges and to cooperating with you again!

Here you can find the international study programs accredited so far.

Certificate Nursing Care Bachelor
Certificate Nursing Care Master