ABFHC successful at gaining Erasmus+ KA2 call for application
Angela Boškin Faculty of Health Care has gained international Erasmus+ bid titled Hospitals and faculties together for prosperous and scientific based healthcare (ProCare). The aim of ProCare project is to establish and improve the connection and cooperation between HEIs and clinical environments. This will contribute to establishment of healthcare as based in scientific context.
ABFHC is the lead partner in this 3 year project. Faculty will lead the project with Faculty of Organizational Sciences from University of Maribor, General hospital Jesenice, Universidad de Alicante, Hospital Clínica Vistahermosa, Università degli Studi di Udine, Policlinico Città di Udine and University of Limerick.
At the same time, ABFHC will be involved as partner in another 3 year Erasmus+ project - Providing a Teaching and Learning Open and Innovative Toolkit for Evidence-based Practice to Nursing European Curriculum (EBP e-Toolkit). The lead project partner is Universidad de Murcia from Spain and they have partners from Greece, Italy, Czech Republic and Poland.