
8. 4. 2022 Zaključna konferenca projekta ProCare



Skupaj s projektnimi partnerji projekta ProCare in v organizaciji Univerze Udine smo uspešno izvedli zaključno konferenco projekta ProCare z naslovom

Hospitals and faculties together for prosperous and scientific based healthcare, 

ki je bila dne 8. 4. 2022 v Udinah in prek ZOOMa s pričetkom ob 9.00 uri.

Na konferenci so bili predstavljeni rezultati triletnega sodelovanja italijanskih, španskih, irskih in slovenskih zdravstvenih fakultet ter splošnih bolnišnic v okviru projekta ProCare. Namen projekta je izboljšati povezanost in sodelovanje med izobraževalnimi institucijami in kliničnimi okolji ter tako prispevati k uveljavitvi zdravstvene nege kot znanstvene discipline. Splošni cilj projekta je okrepiti povezanost na področju raziskovanja med bolnišnicami in visokošolskimi ustanovami, povečati prepoznavnost raziskav v zdravstveni negi in tako izboljšati izide zdravstvene obravnave. Projekt spodbuja povezanost na področju raziskovanja med bolnišnicami in visokošolskimi ustanovami tudi na mednarodni ravni, preko prosto dostopnega spletnega učnega gradiva.



Time Content Speakers

Welcome and institutional greetings. Brief description of the project, its objectives and the activities carried out.

Italy and Slovenia: Alvisa Palese and Sedina Kalender Smajlović
Lecture Time

9:00 – 9:15
Welcome Greetings Guest and Authorities

Alvisa Palese
(University of Udine, Italy)
Sanela Pivač
(Angela Boškin Faculty of Health Care, Slovenia)
Lecture Time

9:15 – 9:30
Presentation of the ProCare project Katja Pesjak

(Angela Boškin Faculty of Health Care, Slovenia)

Italy and Slovenia: Alvisa Palese and Mateja Bahun
Nursing developments in four European Countries: professional considerations and cooperation experiences between Universities and Hospitals
Each partner will describe the context of nursing in their Country and some peculiar experiences where research competences have been developed, and the cooperation between Hospitals and Universities has been enhanced (the aim is to highlight the differences and similarities between the four Countries). Furthermore, this part is dedicated to the University WPs leaders who will present a summary of the project activities/results that they have led.
Lecture Time

Nursing work environment Katja Pesjak

(Angela Boškin Faculty of Health Care, Slovenia)
Lecture Time

Linking higher education, research and hospitals for nursing research development: Learning from nursing research collaborations Christine FitzGerald

(University of Limerick, Ireland)
Lecture Time

The development of the online learning programme on nursing research Manuel Lillo Crespo

(University of Alicante, Spain)
Lecture Time

Development of the platform and learning evaluation Alenka Baggia

(University of Maribor, Slovenia)
Lecture Time

Project Quality Assurance Lucia Cadorin

(University of Udine, Italy)
Lecture Time

11:00 – 11:30 Coffee break  

Slovenia and Ireland: Katja Pesjak and Liz Kingston
ProCare project impact: results from Hospitals experiences

Each partner Country will describe the activities and goals achieved in the Hospitals as a result of joining the project and producing the training package. This part is dedicated to the Hospital partners and those who developed the online learning programme on nursing research (platform) and learning evaluation.
Lecture Time

Experience of Irish Hospital: A guidance for conducting journal club and research groups Jennifer Khan

(Limerick Hospital, Ireland)
Lecture Time

Experience of Italian Hospital: Journal clubs and research group Barbara Narduzzi

(Azienda Sanitaria Universitaria Friuli Centrale, Italy)
Lecture Time

Experience of Spanish Hospital Jorge Riquelme

(Clinica Vistahermosa, Spain)
Lecture Time

Experience of Slovenian Hospital: A qualitative study on Journal Club Mojca Strgar Ravnik

(Splošna Bolnišnica) Jesenice, Slovenia)
Discussion Time

12:45 – 14:00 Lunch  

Italy and Slovenia: Barbara Narduzzi, Lucia Cadorin and Katja Pesjak
International nursing research contributions: Short Communication
Lecture Time

Abstracts presentation:

Johnny Acquaro (University of Turin, Italy
Mateja Bahum (Angela Boskin faculty of Health Care, Slovenia)
Francesco Cecchini (Azienda Sanitaria Universitaria Giuliano Isontina, Italy)
Alice Coffey (University of Limerick, Ireland)
Raffaella Dobrina (IRCCS Burlo Garofolo Trieste, Italy) Fco. Javier Gomis Jimeno (University of Alicante, Spain)
Simonetta Grubissa (Azienda Sanitaria Universitaria Friuli Centrale, Italy)
Liz Kingston (University of Limerick, Ireland)
Juan Manuel Leyva Mo