Fizioterapija in promocija zdravja
Fizioterapija in promocija zdravja |
Modul: | Fizioterapija |
ECTS: | 3 |
Kontaktne ure predavanja: | 30 |
Kontaktne ure seminar: | 15 |
Kontaktne ure kabinetnih vaj: | |
Kontaktne ure kliničnega usposabljanja: | |
Nosilec predmeta: | Andrea Backović Juričan, viš. pred. |
Letnik: | 2. letnik |
Fizioterapija in promocija zdravja |
Kontaktne ure predavanja: | 30 |
Kontaktne ure seminar: | 15 |
Kontaktne ure kabinetnih vaj: | |
Kontaktne ure kliničnega usposabljanja: | |
Nosilec predmeta: | Andrea Backović Juričan, viš. pred. |
Izvajalci predmeta: | Andrea Backović Juričan, viš. pred. |
Stopnja: | Visokostrokovni študijski program prve stopnje |
Semester: | Zimski |
Jezik: | Slovenski |
Cilji in predmetno specifične kompetence: |
Znanje in razumevanje:
Obvezna literatura: | Bauman, A.E. & Nutbeam, D., 2014. Evaluation in a Nutshell: a practical guide to the evaluation of health promotion programs. 2nd ed. North Ryde: McGraw-Hill. Brownson, R.C., Baker, E.A., Deshpande, A.D. & Gillespie, K.N., 2018. Evidence-based Public Health. 3 rd ed. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Cavill, N., Kahlmeier, S., & Racioppi, F., 2006. Physical activity and health in Europe: evidence for action. Copenhagen: World Health Organisation Regional Office for Europe. Clavier, C. & Leeuw, E., 2013. Health Promotion and the Policy Process. New York: Oxford University Press. Edelman, C.L. & Mandle, C,L., 2006. Health Promotion throughout the Life Span. 6th ed. St. Louis: Mosby Elsevier. Evans, D., Coursaftiki, D. & Fathers, C.P., 2017. Health Promotion and Public Health for Nursing Students. 3 rd ed. London: Learning Matters. Hoyer, S., 2005. Pristopi in metode v zdravstveni vzgoji. Ljubljana: Visoka šola za zdravstvo. Kemm, J., 2015. Health Promotion: Ideology Discipline and Specialism. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Kiger, A.M., 2004. Teaching for Health. 3 rd ed. Edinburgh: Churchill Livingstone. McKenzie, J.F., Neiger, B.L. & Thackeray, R., 2013. Planning, implementing, and evaluating health promotion programs. 6 th ed. Gleinview: Pearson. Melnyk, B.M. & Fineout-Overholt, E., 2015. Evidence-based practice in nursing & healthcare: a guide to best practice. 3 rd ed. Philadelphia: Wolters Kluwer Health. Naidoo, J. & Wills, J., 2012. Foundations for Health Promotion. 3rd ed. Edinburgh: Baillière Tindall/Elsevier. Nutbeam, D, Harris, E. & Wise, M., 2010. Theory in a nutshell : a practical guide to health promotion theories. Sydney : [s. n.]. Sočan, M., 2013. Javno zdravje: visokošolski učbenik za študijski program Zdravstvena nega. Jesenice: Visoka šola zdravstveno nego. Scriven, A., ed., 2005. Promoting Health through Physiotherapy. (part 3). In: Health Promoting Practice: The Contribution of Nurses and Allied Health Professionals. New York: Palgrave MacMillan. Tones, K. & Green, J., 2004. Health Promotion: Planning and Strategies. London: Sage Publications. Tulchinsky, T.H., Varavikova, E. & Bickford, J.D., 2014. The New Public Health. Amsterdam; Boston: Elsevier. Zaletel-Kragelj, L., Eržen, I. & Premik, M., 2007. Uvod v javno zdravje. Ljubljana: Medicinska fakulteta, Katedra za javno zdravje. World Health Organization, 2007. Steps to health: A European framework to promote physical activity for health. Copenhagen: World Health Organization, Regional office for Europe. World Health Organization, 2010. Global recommendation on Physical Activity for Health. Geneva: World Health Organization. World Health Organization, 2019. Guidelines on Physical Activity, Sedentary Behaviour and Sleep for Children under 5 Years of Age. Geneva: World Health Organization. Wills, J., 2007. Promoting Health. Oxford; Malden: Blackwell Pub. |
Priporočljiva literatura: |
Pogoji za vključitev v delo oziroma za opravljanje študijskih obveznosti: |
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